Credits) ( 30 Pt)
Certificate in Construction Studies
106A Detailed Construction & Building Construction Materials
CE 102 Physics
CE 107
CE 109 Energy
Efficient Building Design (EE309)
EE102 Basic Electrical Fitting & Wiring
Year (2) Advanced Diploma in Civil Engineering Program(30 pt) (Each
2.5 pt)
CE115 Estimating & Specification
EE104 Electrical Equipments Safety Protection
EE105 Electrical Installation Design
ME 102 Engineering Thermodynamics
ME 334 Airconditioning and Refrigeration
EE106 Advanced Electrical Wiring
CE 112 Engineering
Mechanics+ ME 301 Applied Mathematics
Mathematics (EE201) |
This unit covers the application of computational processes to solve
engineering problems. It encompasses working safely, applying problem solving
techniques, using a range of mathematical processes, providing solutions to
electrical/electronics engineering problems and justifying such solutions.
Note. Typical engineering problems are those encountered in meeting
requirements in a design brief, meeting performance requirements and compliance
standards, revising systems operating parameters and dealing with system
KS01-EE126A Electrotechnology engineering maths
Evidence shall show an understanding of electrotechnology engineering
maths to an extent indicated by the following aspects:
T1 Rational, irrational numbers and basic algebra
simplification of expressions involving square roots and cube
scientific and engineering notation
evaluation of expressions using a calculator
convert units of physical quantities using unity brackets
substitute given values into formulae to find physical
manipulate algebraic expressions using mathematical operations
in their correct order, the laws of indices, expansion of brackets and
collecting like terms
T2 Algebraic manipulation
Factorise algebraic expressions using common factors
Factorise quadratic expressions using trial and error on the
factors of the coefficients
Simplify algebraic fractions using common denominators and
Solve simple one variable equations including algebraic
Find the quotient and remainder given a linear divisor.
Transpose formulae to find a
required variable.
T3 Laws of indices
Conversion between decimal notation, scientific notation and
engineering notation
Laws of indices: positive /negative values,
multiplication/division, fractional values, index equals zero
Logarithmic laws: multiply/divide
solution of exponential equations
using logarithms, substitution and solution of relevant formulae involving
exponents or logarithms
Graphs of exponential functions, 10x and ex and the inverses
log10(x) and loge(x) functions on log-linear graphs
Convert numbers into scientific and engineering notation using
the laws of indices
Manipulate and simplify arithmetic and algebraic expressions
using the laws of indices and logarithms
Express logarithms as indices.
Perform logarithmic operations.
Determine logarithms and
antilogarithms to base 10, using a scientific calculator.
Determine logarithms and
antilogarithms to base e, using a scientific calculator.
Convert logarithmic values from base 10 to base e and vice
Sketch given functions on log-linear graphs
T4 Estimations, errors and approximations
Errors in measurement
Maximum probable error
Show awareness of errors in measurement and of giving results
in appropriate number of significant figures
Use estimations and
approximations to check the reasonableness of results.
T5 Plane figures – triangles and basic trigonometry
Angles in a triangle
Isosceles and equilateral triangles
Congruent triangles
Similar triangles
Pythagoras' theorem
Area of triangles
Basic trigonometry functions
Degrees, radians
The ratios: sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec,
Inverse trig functions
Sine and cosine rules
T6 Plane figures - quadrilaterals and circles
Types and properties of quadrilaterals
Areas and perimeters of regular quadrilaterals
Lengths of arcs
Angles in a circle - degrees
Angles in a circle - radians
Lengths of chord segments
Tangents to circles
Circumference and area of circles
Names and characteristics of common polygons
T7 Graphs of Trigonometric functions
Graph trigonometric functions and solve trigonometric
Simplify trigonometric expressions using trigonometric
Convert angular measure in degrees to radians and vice versa
Graph trigonometric functions including graphs of y = sin x and
y = cos x
Using vocational applications of current or voltage as a
function of time, consider changes in amplitude,
consider changes in frequency.
Examine relationships of
frequency, period and angular velocity.
Sketch graphs of the form f(t) = a sin
φt and f(t) = a cos φt, where a is the peak voltage or current, and
φ is the angular velocity
Solve graphically equations of the form f(t)
= a sin φt and f(t) = a cos φt
T8 Graphs of linear functions
The number plane
Gradient and x and y intercepts of a straight line
Equation of a straight line length and mid-point of a straight
line segment
Function notation
T9 Simultaneous equations
Graphical solutions
Solve 2 linear simultaneous equations both algebraically and
T10 Matrices
Perform the basic operations on matrices up to 3 x 3
Manipulate matrix equations and expressions
Recognise inverse and identity matrices up to 3 x 3 and use to
solve systems of linear equations.
Find determinants up to 3 x 3 and use to solve systems of
linear equations.
Solve problems involving more
than two simultaneous equations.
State the limitations of graphical methods of solution.
Distinguish between a matrix and an array.
Describe the null, diagonal and unit matrix
Describe and identify a singular/non-singular matrix
T11 Quadratic functions
Graphs of quadratic functions represented by parabolas and the
significance of the leading coefficient.
Graph quadratic functions and solve quadratic equations.
Sketch and interpret the graphs of quadratic functions showing
the significance of the leading coefficient and the zeros
Solve quadratic equations by factoring or using quadratic
Solve simultaneously linear and quadratic equations
algebraically and geometrically
Interpret verbally formulated problems involving quadratic and
linear equations and solve.
T12 Exponential and logarithmic functions
Transform non-linear functions (including exponential) to
linear forms and plot data.
Draw curves of best fit, interpolate
data and estimate constants in suggested relationships.
Graph exponential and logarithmic functions and solve
exponential and logarithmic equations.
Sketch the graphs of simple exponential and logarithmic
functions showing behaviour for large and small values
T13 Vectors and Phasors
The vector as an expression of
magnitude and direction
The vector sum of x and y values in
terms of magnitude and direction
Rectangular components of vectors in the form x = r cos θ
and y = r sin θ
Rectangular-polar and polar-rectangular conversion
Vector addition and subtraction
Express rectangular components of vectors in the form x = r cos
θ and y = r sin θ
T14 Complex numbers
Definitions and notation of complex numbers
Complex numbers as vectors on an Argand diagram
laws of complex numbers and apply the laws in suitable
Plot complex numbers on the
Argand plane.
Express vectors as complex numbers and perform suitable
Calculate the conjugate of a complex number.
Using a calculator for rectangular-polar
and polar-rectangular conversions.
CE 108 Electrical Principle
This unit covers determining correct operation of single source d.c. series, parallel and series-parallel circuits and
providing solutions as they apply to various electrotechnology work functions.
It encompasses working safely, problem solving procedures, including the use of
voltage, current and resistance measuring devices, providing solutions derived
from measurements and calculations to predictable problems in single and multiple
path circuits.
Evidence shall show an understanding of electrical fundamentals and
direct current multiple path circuits to an extent indicated by the following
T1 Basic electrical concepts encompassing:
electrotechnology industry
static and current electricity
production of electricity by renewable
and non renewable energy sources
transportation of electricity from the
source to the load via the transmission and distribution systems
utilisation of electricity by the
various loads
basic calculations involving quantity
of electricity, velocity and speed with relationship to the generation and
transportation of electricity.
T2 Basic electrical circuit encompassing:
symbols used to represent an
electrical energy source, a load, a switch and a circuit protection device in a
circuit diagram
purpose of each component in the
effects of an open-circuit, a
closed-circuit and a short-circuit
multiple and sub-multiple units
T3 Ohm’s Law encompassing:
basic d.c. single path circuit.
voltage and currents levels in a basic
d.c. single path circuit.
effects of an open-circuit, a
closed-circuit and a short-circuit on a basic d.c. single path relationship
between voltage and current from measured values in a simple circuit
determining voltage, current and resistance in a circuit given
any two of these quantities
graphical relationships of voltage,
current and resistance
relationship between voltage, current
and resistance
T4 Electrical power encompassing:
relationship between force, power,
work and energy
power dissipated in circuit from
voltage, current and resistance values
power ratings of devices
measurement electrical power in a d.c.
effects of power rating of various resistors
T5 Effects of electrical current encompassing:
physiological effects of current and
the fundamental principles (listed in AS/NZS 3000) for protection against the
this effect
basic principles by which electric current
can result in the production of heat; the production of magnetic fields; a
chemical reaction
typical uses of the effects of current
mechanisms by which metals corrode
fundamental principles (listed in
AS/NZS3000) for protection against the damaging effects of current
T6 EMF sources energy sources and conversion electrical energy
basic principles of producing a emf
from the interaction of a moving conductor in a magnetic field.
basic principles of producing an emf
from the heating of one junction of a thermocouple.
basic principles of producing a emf by
the application of sun light falling on the surface of photovoltaic cells
basic principles of generating a emf
when a mechanical force is applied to a crystal (piezo electric effect)
principles of producing a electrical
current from primary, secondary and fuel cells
input, output, efficiency or losses of
electrical systems and machines
effect of losses in electrical wiring
and machines
principle of conservation of energy
T7 Resistors encompassing:
features of fixed and variable resistor types and typical
identification of fixed and variable
various types of fixed resistors used
in the Electro technology Industry. e.g. wire-wound,
carbon film, tapped resistors.
various types of variable resistors
used in the Electro technology Industry e.g. adjustable resistors:
potentiometer and rheostat; light dependent resistor (LDR); voltage dependent
resistor (VDR) and temperature dependent resistor (NTC, PTC).
characteristics of temperature,
voltage and light dependent resistors and typical applications of each power
ratings of a resistor.
power loss (heat) occurring in a
resistance of a colour coded resistor
from colour code tables and confirm the value by measurement.
measurement of resistance of a range
of variable’ resistors under varying conditions of light, voltage, temperature
specifying a resistor for a
particular application.
T8 Series circuits encompassing:
circuit diagram of a single-source
d.c. ‘series’ circuit.
Identification of the major components of a ‘series’ circuit:
power supply; loads; connecting leads and switch
applications where ‘series’ circuits
are used in the Electro technology industry.
characteristics of a ‘series’ circuit
- connection of loads, current path, voltage drops, power dissipation and
affects of an open circuit in a ‘series’ circuit.
the voltage, current, resistances or
power dissipated from measured or given values of any two of these quantities
relationship between voltage drops and
resistance in a simple voltage divider network.
setting up and connecting a single-source series dc circuit
measurement of resistance, voltage and
current values in a single source series circuit effect of an open-circuit on a
series connected circuit
T9 Parallel circuits encompassing:
schematic diagram of a single-source
d.c. ‘parallel’ circuit.
major components of a ‘parallel’
circuit (power supply, loads, connecting leads and applications where
‘parallel’ circuits are used in the Electrotechnology industry.
characteristics of a ‘parallel’
circuit. (load connection, current paths, voltage
drops, power dissipation, affects of an open circuit in a ‘parallel’ circuit).
relationship between currents entering
a junction and currents leaving a junction
relationship between branch currents
and resistances in a two branch current divider network.
calculation of the total resistance of
a ‘parallel’ circuit.
calculation of the total current of a
‘parallel’ circuit.
Calculation of the total voltage and the individual voltage
drops of a ‘parallel’ circuit.
setting up and connecting a single-source d.c.
parallel circuit
resistance, voltage and current
measurements in a single-source parallel circuit
voltage, current, resistance or power
dissipated from measured values of any of these quantities
output current and voltage levels of connecting cells in
T10 Series/parallel circuits encompassing:
schematic diagram of a single-source
d.c. ‘series/parallel’ circuit.
major components of a
‘series/parallel’ circuit (power supply, loads, connecting leads and switch)
applications where ‘series/parallel’
circuits are used in the Electrotechnology industry.
characteristics of a ‘series/parallel’
circuit. (load connection, current paths, voltage
drops, power dissipation, affects of an open circuit in a ‘series/parallel’
relationship between voltages,
currents and resistances in a bridge network.
calculation of the total resistance of
a ‘series/parallel’ circuit.
calculation of the total current of a
‘series/parallel’ circuit.
calculation of the total voltage and
the individual voltage drops of a ‘series/parallel’ circuit.
setting up and connecting a single-source d.c.
series/ parallel circuit
resistance, voltage and current
measurements in a single-source d.c. series / parallel circuit
the voltage, current, resistances or
power dissipated from measured values of any two of these quantities
T11 Factors affecting resistance encompassing:
four factors that affect the
resistance of a conductor (type of material, length, cross-sectional area and
affect the change in the type of material
(resistivity) has on the resistance of a conductor.
affect the change in ‘length’ has on
the resistance of a conductor.
affect the change in ‘cross-sectional
area’ has on the resistance of a conductor.
effects of resistance on the current-carrying capacity
and voltage drop in cables.
calculation of the resistance of a
conductor from factors such as conductor length, cross-sectional area,
resistivity and changes in temperature
using digital and analogue
ohmmeter to measure the change in resistance of different types of conductive
materials (copper, aluminium, nichrome, tungsten) when those materials undergo
a change in type of material length, cross-sectional area and temperature.
T12 Effects of meters in a circuit encompassing:
selecting an appropriate meter
in terms of units to be measured, range, loading effect and accuracy for a
given application.
measuring resistance using direct,
volt-ammeter and bridge methods.
instruments used in the field to
measure voltage, current, resistance and insulation resistance and the typical
circumstances in which they are used.
hazards involved in using electrical
instruments and the safety control measures that should be taken.
operating characteristics of
analogue and digital meters.
correct techniques to read the scale
of an analogue meters and how to reduce the ‘parallax’ error.
types of voltmeters used in the
Electrotechnology industry – bench type, clamp meter, Multimeter, etc.
purpose and characteristics (internal
resistance, range, loading effect and accuracy) of a voltmeter.
types of voltage indicator testers. e.g.
LED, neon, solenoid, volt-stick, series tester, etc. and explain the purpose of
each voltage indicator tester.
operation of various voltage indicator
advantages and disadvantages of each
voltage indicator tester.
various types of ammeters used in the
Electrotechnology industry – bench, clamp meter, multimeter, etc.
purpose of an ammeter and the correct
connection (series) of an ammeter into a circuit.
reasons why the internal resistance of an ammeter must be
extremely low and the dangers and consequences of connecting an ammeter in
parallel and/or wrong polarity.
selecting an appropriate meter in terms of units to be
measured, range, loading effect and accuracy for a given application
connecting an analogue/digital voltmeter into a circuit
ensuring the polarities are correct and take various voltage readings.
loading effect of various voltmeters
when measuring voltage across various loads.
using voltage indicator
testers to detect the presence of various voltage levels.
connecting analogue/digital ammeter into a circuit ensuring the
polarities are correct and take various current readings.
T13 Resistance measurement encompassing:
Identification of instruments used in the field to measure
resistance (including insulation resistance) and the typical circumstances in
which they are used.
the purpose of an Insulation
Resistance (IR) Tester.
the parts and functions of various
analogue and digital IR Tester (selector range switch, zero ohms adjustment,
battery check function, scale and connecting leads).
reasons why the supply must be isolated
prior to using the IR tester.
where and why the continuity test
would be used in an electrical installation.
where and why the insulation
resistance test would be used in an electrical installation.
the voltage ranges of an IR tester and where each range may be
used. e.g. 250 V d.c, 500 V d.c and 1000 V d.c
AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules
requirements – continuity test and insulation resistance (IR) test.
purpose of regular IR tester
the correct methods of storing the IR
tester after use
carry out a calibration check on a IR
measurement of low values of
resistance using an IR tester continuity functions.
measurement of high values of
resistance using an IR tester insulation resistance function.
volt-ammeter (short shunt and
long shunt) methods of measuring resistance.
calculation of resistance values using
voltmeter and ammeter reading (long and short shunt connections)
measurement of resistance using
volt-ammeter methods
T14 Capacitors and Capacitance encompassing:
basic construction of standard
capacitor, highlighting the: plates, dielectric and connecting leads
different types of dielectric material
and each dielectric’s relative permittivity.
identification of various types of
capacitors commonly used in the Electrotechnology industry (fixed value
capacitors -stacked plate, rolled, electrolytic, ceramic, mica and Variable
value capacitors – tuning and trimmer)
circuit symbol of various types of
capacitors: standard; variable, trimmer and polarised
terms: Capacitance (C), Electric
charge (Q) and Energy (W)
unit of: Capacitance (Farad), Electric
charge (Coulomb) and Energy (Joule)
factors affecting capacitance (the effective area of the
plates, the distance between the plates and the type of dielectric) and explain
how these factors are present in all circuits to some extent.
how a capacitor is charged in a d.c.
behaviour of a series d.c. circuit
containing resistance and capacitance components. - charge
and discharge curves
the term ‘Time
Constant’ and its relationship to the charging and discharging of a capacitor.
calculation of quantities from given
information: Capacitance (Q = VC); Energy (W =½CV2); Voltage (V = Q/C)
calculation one time constant as well
as the time taken to fully charge and discharge a given capacitor. (τ =
connection of a series d.c. circuit
containing capacitance and resistor to determine the time constant of the
T15 Capacitors in Series and Parallel
hazards involved in working with
capacitance effects and the safety control measures that should be taken.
safe handling and the correct methods
of discharging various size capacitors
dangers of a charged capacitor and the
consequences of discharging a capacitor through a person
factors which determine the
capacitance of a capacitor and explain how these factors are present in all
circuits to some extent.
effects of capacitors connected in
parallel by calculating their equivalent capacitance.
This unit covers the law of physics and how they apply to solving
electrotechnology related problems. It encompasses working safely, knowledge of
measurements of physical phenomena, linear and angular motion, harmonic motion,
wave theory, optics, acoustics and heat capacity and transfer, use of
measurement techniques, solving physics related problems and documenting
justification for such solutions.
KS01-EE082A Electrotechnology engineering physics
Evidence shall show an understanding of electro engineering physics to
an extent indicated by the following aspects:
T1 Measurement encompassing
SI units in measurement of physical phenomena
Uncertainty and tolerance
T2 Linear motion
T3 Angular motion
T4 Simple harmonic motion and vibration
T5 Wave theory
T6 Electromagnetic waves and propagation
T7 Optics
Mirrors and lenses
Optical fibre
T8 Acoustics and ultrasonics
T9 Heat capacity and heat transfer
Fluid power
CE 109 Energy Efficient Building Design (EE309)
This unit covers evaluating energy used in buildings and developing and
documenting strategies/methods to effectively reduce energy use without
compromising occupancy standards. It encompasses working safely, setting up and
conducting evaluation measurements and evaluating energy use from measured
T1 Climate and thermal comfort encompassing: characteristics
of the different Australian climatic types. use of climatic
data in published and electronic forms to extract the quantities relevant to
energy efficient design. relationship
between climate and comfort using bioclimatic or psychrometric charts. calculation of
heating or cooling degree days or degree hours for various locations. calculation of
thermal neutrality for a given location. |
T2 Solar geometry and radiation encompassing: definition of
the terms: declination, hour angle, zenith angle, azimuth and altitude
angles, the equation of time. conversion of
solar time to local time and vice versa. position of the
sun and the length of shadows with the aid of algorithms, tables, sun charts
or computer software. daily
irradiation incident on a wall, window or roof of a given tilt and
orientation. relative summer
and winter irradiation of windows facing the cardinal orientations. |
T3 Heat transfer encompassing: thermal
processes of conduction, convection and radiation apply to the transfer of
heat in buildings. calculation of
the summer and winter U-values of building elements using tables and
software. calculation of
the infiltration heat transfer in a building. |
T4 Glazing Systems encompassing: different types
of glazing systems and their characteristics. different types
of shading devices and the window orientations for which they are most
appropriate. solar heat gain for different glazing
types and angles of incidence calculation of
the average daily irradiation of a window partly shaded by eaves, using
computer software. calculation of
the average daily heat gain through a window partly shaded by eaves. |
T5 Insulation encompassing: different types
of insulation and where they are used. how different types of insulation are
installed in roofs, walls and floors
Sustainable and safe building materials encompassing:
common building materials and their embodied energy
environmental impact of the production of various
building materials.
problems associated with the use or disposal of building
materials. |
Electrical Fitting & Wiring |
This unit covers fixing, securing and mounting techniques as apply in
the various electrotechnology work functions. It encompasses the safe use of
hand and portable power tools, safe lifting techniques, safe use of ladders and
elevated platforms and the selection and safe application of fixing devices and
supporting accessories/equipment.
KS01-EE105A Fixing and support devices/techniques
Evidence shall show an understanding of accessories and support and
fixing device and methods and their use to an extent indicated by the following
T1. Device for securing and mounting
air-conditioning/telecommunications accessories for supporting, fixing and
protecting wiring/cabling/piping and functional accessories to hollow walls
types and safe application of devices
for hollow wall fixing and support
methods/techniques used to fix/support to wood, hollow wall,
masonry blocks, plasterboard, panelling
types and safe application of fixing devices used in the
electrotechnology industry for wood and hollow wall structures (wood screws, coach
bolts, self-tappers, self drilling, metal thread, hollow wall anchors, behind
plaster brackets, stud brackets, plasterboard devices, toggle devices)
types of tools used for hollow wall fixing and supporting.
using various fixing methods
to fix/support to hollow walls.
T2. Device for securing and mounting
electrical/electronic/instrumentation/refrigeration/ air-conditioning/telecommunications
accessories for supporting, fixing and protecting wiring/cabling/piping and
functional accessories to solid walls encompassing:
types and safe application of devices
used for solid wall fixing and support
methods/techniques used in to fix to masonry and concrete
fixing devices used in the electrotechnology industry for solid
wall structures (wall-plugs, expanding concrete fixing devices, gas powered
fixing tools, powder actuated fixing tools, loxins, dynabolts, chemical
regulatory requirements for use of
powder fixing tools.
hand and power tools used in fixing
and supporting accessories
using various fixing methods to fix/support to solid walls
T3. Device for securing and mounting electrical/electronic/instrumentation/refrigeration/
air-conditioning/telecommunications accessories for supporting, fixing and
protecting wiring/cabling/piping and functional accessories to metal fixing
accessories that may be fixed to metal
(saddle clips, conduits, brackets, switches)
techniques for fixing to metal
fixing devices: coach bolts, self-tappers, metal thread bolts,
hollow wall anchors, rivets
fixing tools - spanners, screwdrivers,
power screw drivers, pop riveters, files, reamers
OH&S issues related to drilling, cutting, eye protection,
metal filings, swarf, noise
Using power drills, drill bits, change drill speeds.
Install a fixing device and accessory capable of supporting up
to 20 kg on the metal plate.
T4. Securing and mounting
air-conditioning/telecommunications accessories for supporting, fixing and
protecting wiring/cabling/piping and functional accessories using fixing
adhesives and tapes encompassing:
types and safe application of using
adhesives and tapes as fixing devices (load limits of different commercial
accessories that may be fixed using
adhesives and tapes
techniques for the application of
adhesives and tapes
tools used to apply and cut adhesives
and tapes
hazards and safety measures when working with
adhesives and chemical fixing devices (fumes, cutting, eye protection, physical
contact, hand protection, ingestion)
Equipments Safety Protection |
This unit covers the arrangement and termination of circuits, control
and protection devices and systems for electrical installations operating at
voltages up to 1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c. It
encompass knowledge and application of schemes for protection of persons and
property, correct functioning, ensuring compatibility with the supply,
arranging installation into circuits and selecting and arranging
switchgear/controlgear and protective devices to meet compliance requirements
and documenting arrangement decisions
KS01-EG063A Electrical installations — arrangement,
control and protection
Evidence shall show an understanding of circuit arrangements, control
and protection of electrical installations that comply with the Wiring Rules
and Service Rules to an extent indicated by the following aspects:
T1 Safety principles to which
electrical systems in building and premises shall comply.
Safety principles are given in Part1 (Section 1) of the Wiring
Rules AS/NZS 3000 with deemed-to-comply requirements given in Sections 2 to 8.
Compliant methods for providing protection - include those for
providing protection against direct and indirect contact; thermal effects;
unwanted voltages; overcurrent; fault currents; overload; overvoltage; injury
from mechanical movement.
Requirements for installation design and selection of equipment
- includes compliant protection arrangements; correct functioning;
compatibility with supply; estimation of maximum demands; voltage drop
considerations; arrangement of circuits and the like
T2 Circuit and control arrangements encompassing:
reason for dividing electrical
installations into circuits
factors that shall be considered in
determining the number and type of circuits required for an installation.
daily and seasonal demand for lighting
power, heating and other loads in a given installation.
number and types of circuits required
for a particular installation.
diagrams/schedules of circuits
for given installations.
application and arrangements of SELV
and PELV circuits
application and arrangement of an
isolated supply
T3 Hazards and risks in an electrical installation encompassing:
effects on the human body of various levels of a.c. and d.c. current and duration of current flow for various
current paths.
risk of ignition of flammable
materials due the thermal effects of current or electric arcs in normal service
of an electrical installation.
risk of injury from mechanical
movement of electrically actuated equipment.
Protection against direct contact (basic protection)
acceptable methods
use of extra-low voltage
T4 Protection against indirect contact encompassing:
indirect contact with live parts of an
electrical installation may occur.
methods and devices that comply with
the Wiring Rules for providing protection against indirect contact.
components of the 'automatic
disconnection of supply' method of protection against indirect contact.
the terms ‘touch voltage’ and ‘touch
the current path when a short circuit fault
to exposed conductive parts of an appliance occurs.
protection against indirect contact is
by the use of Class II equipment and by electrical separation.
additional protection by use of
Residual Current Devices (RCDs)
protection against indirect contact by
use of extra-low voltage and electrical separation.
Protection requirements for
damp situations.
T5 Earthing encompassing:
the terms: earthed, earthed situation,
earth electrode, equipotential bonding, multiple earthed neutral (MEN) system,
protective earth-neutral (PEN) conductor, main earthing conductor, protective
earthing (PE) conductor, functional earthing, MEN link.
selection of minimum size-earthing
conductor for a range of active conductor sizes and materials.
parts of an earthing system and the purpose of each.
typical arrangement for a MEN earthing
arrangements of protective earthing
conductors that comply with the Wiring Rules.
requirements for equipotential bonding
in a range of installation situations.
Installation of a MEN earthing system for a single phase
T6 Protection against overload and short circuit current encompassing:
overload current or fault currents in an electrical
equivalent circuit of an earth fault-loop
level of fault current possible at a
given point in an installation from the fault-loop impedance and data from the
electricity distributor.
methods and devices that comply with
the Wiring Rules AS/NZS 3000 for providing protection against the damaging
effects of overload and fault current
requirements for co-ordination between
protective devices and conductors
requirements for
co-ordination of protection devices for discrimination and back-up protection.
T7 Devices for automatic disconnection of supply encompassing:
operating principles of thermal/magnet
circuit breakers.
operating principles of common
types of fuses.
operating principles of
residual current devices (RCD).
time/current curves tripping characteristics of various types
of circuit breakers that comply with the requirements of the Wiring Rules.
time/current curves fusing characteristics of various types of
fuses that comply with the requirements of the Wiring Rules.
time/current curves tripping characteristics of various types
of RCDs that comply with the requirements of the Wiring Rules.
factors in a fault loop that will affect the impedance of the
maximum impedance of an earth
fault-loop to ensure operating of a protection device.
selecting a fuse for fault
current limiting protection.
drawing switchboard wiring
arrangements of 2-pole RCDs, 4-pole RCDs, combination RCD/MCBs.
T8 Protection against over voltage and under voltage encompassing:
causes of over voltage and how this may affect the electrical
methods for protection against over
causes of under voltage and how this may affect the electrical
methods for protection against under
T9 Control of an electrical installation and circuits encompassing:
switch types, current and voltage ratings and IP rating and
where these apply.
switching requirements for isolation,
emergency, mechanical maintenance and functional control.
control arrangement for complete installations with and without
safety services and an alternative supply.
T10 Switchboards / distribution boards encompassing:
Purpose, types and
Physical and circuit
arrangements for whole current and CT metering.
Physical and circuit
arrangements of main switches, circuit protection devices, fault-current
limiters and metering equipment and other distributor equipment.
compliance requirements (includes
location and access, arc fault protection, identification, construction
suitability, equipment marking, wiring, fire protection and arc-fault
Installation Design |
This unit covers selecting wiring systems and cables for electrical
installations operating at voltages up to 1,000V a.c. or 1,500
V d.c. It encompass knowledge and application of wiring systems and
cable types, selecting wiring system compatible with the installation
conditions, selecting cables that comply with required current-carrying
capacity and voltage drop and earth fault-loop impedance limitations, coordination
between protective devices and conductors and documenting selection decisions
KS01-EG107A Electrical installation — cable
selection and co-ordination
Evidence shall show an understanding of selecting cables and ensuring
co-ordination between protection device and conductors in electrical
installations that comply with the Wiring Rules, Selection of cables standards
and Service Rules to an extent indicated by the following aspects:
T1 Performance requirements - design and safety encompassing:
harmful effects against which the
design of an electrical installation must provide protection.
performance standards of a correctly
functioning electrical installation.
supply characteristics that shall be considered when designing
an electrical installation.
acceptable methods for determining the
maximum demand in consumer's mains and sub-mains.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements limiting voltage drop in an
reason for dividing electrical
installations into circuits and the factors that shall determine their number
and type.
typical external factors that may
damage an electrical installation and that shall be considered in the
installation design.
methods for protecting persons and
livestock against direct and indirect contact with conductive parts and the
typical application of each.
acceptable methods of protection
against the risks of ignition of flammable materials and injury by burns from
the thermal effects of current, in normal service.
likely sources of unwanted voltages and
the methods for dealing with this potential hazard.
acceptable methods for protecting
persons and livestock against injury and property against damage from the
effects of over current.
requirement for protection against
fault current.
requirement for protection against the
harmful effects of faults between live parts of circuits supplied at different
need for protection against injury
from mechanical movement and how this may be achieved.
features of 'fire rated construction' and how the integrity of
the fire rating can be maintained in relation to electrical installation.
T2 Final subcircuit arrangements encompassing:
factors that shall be considered in
determining the number and type of circuits required for an installation.
daily and seasonal demand for
lighting, power, heating and other loads in a given installation.
number and types of circuits required
or a particular installation.
current requirements for given final
layout/schedule of circuits
for given installations.
T3 Factors affecting the suitability of wiring systems encompassing:
wiring systems typically used
with various construction methods and particular environments.
installation conditions that may
affect the current-carrying capacity of cables.
external influences that may affect
the current-carrying capacity and/or may cause damage to the wiring system.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for selecting wiring systems for a
range of circuits, installation conditions and construction methods into which
the wiring system is to be installed. Note: Wiring systems include cable
enclosures, underground wiring, aerial wiring, catenary support, emergency
systems, busbar trunking and earth sheath return.
T4 Maximum demand on consumer’s mains/submains encompassing:
acceptable methods for determining the
maximum demand on an installation’s consumer’s mains and submains.
maximum demand for the consumer's
mains for given installations up to 400 A per phase.
maximum demand for given submains.
T5 Cable selection based on current carrying capacity requirements
installation conditions for a range of
wiring systems and applications.
external influences that require the
use of a derating factor.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for
coordination of cables and protection devices.
AS/NZS 3008 used to select conductor size based on the maximum
current requirement for a given installation condition including any applicable
derating factors.
T6 Cable selection based on voltage drop requirements encompassing:
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for maximum voltage drop in an
relevant tables in AS/NZS 3008 for
unit values of voltage drop.
calculation of the expected voltage
drop in a given circuit.
selecting cables to satisfy voltage
drop requirements in addition to current carrying capacity requirements.
T7 Cable selection based on fault loop impedance requirements
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for maximum fault loop impedance in an
relevant tables in AS/NZS 3008 to
determine cable impedances.
calculation of the expected fault loop
impedance for a given circuit arrangement.
selecting cables to satisfy fault loop
impedance requirements in addition to current carrying capacity requirements
and voltage drop requirements.
T8 Selecting protection devices encompassing:
acceptable methods of protection
against indirect contact.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for
selecting methods and devices to protect against indirect contact for a range
of installation types and conditions.
coordination between conductors and
protection devices to ensures the protection of cables from over heating due to
over current.
possible injuries to persons and
livestock from hazards due to a short circuit.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for selecting devices to protect
against overload current for a range of circuits and loads.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for selecting devices to protect
against short-circuit current for a range of installation conditions.
T9 Selecting devices for isolation and switching encompassing:
requirements for the provision of the
isolation of every circuit in an electrical installation.
need for protection against mechanical
movement of electrically activated equipment.
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for
selecting devices for isolation and switching for a range of installations and
T10 Switchboards encompassing:
AS/NZS 3000 and local supply
authority requirements for switchboards.
tariff structures for the supply of
equipment installed at the main
switchboards with capacities up to 400 A per phase.
layout of a main switchboard for an
installation supplied with single phase single tariff whole current metering.
layout of a main switchboard for an
installation supplied with single phase multiple tariff whole current metering.
layout of a main switchboard for an
installation supplied with multiphase single tariff whole current metering.
layout of a main switchboard for an
installation supplied with multiphase multiple tariff whole current metering.
layout of a main switchboard for a
multiple tenancy installation with whole current metering.
layout of a main switchboard,
including metering, for an installation supplied with three phase CT metering.
local supply authority requirements
for connection of an electrical installation to the electrical supply system
Advanced Electrical Wiring |
This unit covers the installation in building and premises of wiring
enclosures, cable support systems, cables and accessories and designed to
operate at voltages up to 1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c.
It encompasses working safely and to installation standards, routing cables to
specified locations, terminating cables and connecting wiring at accessories
and completing the necessary installation documentation.
KS01-EG103A Installation of wiring systems
Evidence shall show an
understanding of the installation of wiring systems that comply with standards
to an extent indicated by the following aspects:
T1 Standards, codes and requirements applicable to the installation of
wiring systems encompassing:
Cables and methods of mechanical protection and support
Protection against and from
other services.
Prohibited cable locations
Building codes affecting the installation of cables in
buildings, structures and premises (limitation on penetration of structural
elements, maintenance of fire protection integrity, and wiring above suspected
Issues affecting electrical installations in heritage buildings
and premises (limitation on penetration of structural and finished elements,
accessing cable routes, types and colour of exposed accessories).
T2 Use of other installation standards called up by the Wiring Rules for
special situations encompassing:
standards that apply to Electromedical
treatment areas.
additional requirements for
construction and demolition sites.
Relocatable installations and their site supply
additional requirements for caravan
additional requirements for marinas
and pleasure craft at low voltage.
additional requirements for shows and
T3 Hazardous areas encompassing:
Conditions that apply in an areas that
require them to be classified as a ‘Hazardous area’.
Responsibility for classifying a hazardous area
Awareness of standards called up by the Wiring Rules for
selection of equipment and installations in Hazardous areas. (AS/NZS
3000 requirements for hazardous areas).
T4 Requirement for the installation of cables and accessories in damp
situations and ELV installations encompassing:
restricted zones around baths, showers, fixed water containers,
pools, sauna heaters and fountains/water features for given installations.
selecting equipment suitable for
installation in given damp situations.
voltage range that defines extra-low
'Separated extra-low voltage (SELV) system' and a 'Protected
extra-low voltage (PELV) system".
AS/NZS 3000 requirements for
selecting extra-low voltage systems and devices for a range of installations
and conditions.
T5 Aerial cabling encompassing:
Describe the types of aerial cabling.
State the AS/NZS 3000 and local supply authority requirements
for aerial cabling.
Termination of aerial cables
in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 and local requirements.
installation of consumers mains for
connection via overhead consumers terminals in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 and
local requirements.
Testing of installed cables compliance
with Australian Standards
T6 Underground cabling encompassing:
Describe permissible underground cabling systems.
Identify other underground services.
State the AS/NZS 3000 and local supply authority requirements
for underground cabling.
List the advantages and disadvantages of underground wiring
selection of underground consumers
mains in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 and local requirements
T7 Techniques for installing cables and wiring systems encompassing:
Typical cable routes through
buildings, structures and premises.
Application of wiring accessories
Drawing-in, placing and fixing of cables
Cable and conductor terminations
Maintaining fire rating integrity.
Inspecting and testing installed and terminated cables to
ensure they comply with continuity and insulation resistance and are safe to
connect to the supply.
Sustainability |
This unit covers developing strategies to address environmental and
sustainability issues in the energy sector. It encompasses working safely,
apply extensive knowledge of sustainable energy systems and components and
their operating parameters, gathering and analysing data, applying problem
solving techniques, developing and documenting alternatives solutions
KS01-EK132A |
Environmental and Sustainability strategies |
Evidence shall show an understanding of
greenhouse reduction strategies to an extent indicated by the following
aspects: |
T1 Principles of sustainability encompassing: ways in which
ecosystems moderate climate. ways in which
ecosystems purify and store water. ways in which
ecosystems recycle waste. |
T2 Problems in a sustainable world encompassing: changes to
Australian forest cover since white settlement, and the resulting loss of
ecosystem and human benefits. changes to Australia‘s soils since white
settlement, and the resulting loss of ecosystem and human benefits. changes to Australia‘s waterways since
white settlement, and the resulting loss of ecosystem and human benefits. place of environmental accounting in
quantifying Australia‘s environmental losses. limits to Australia‘s population
carrying capacity. |
T3 Sustainability principles encompassing: principles within sustainability
including: environmental accounting and economies; full cost pricing; triple
bottom line ethic; ecologically sustainable development; greenhouse gas
abatement; energy efficiency; resource and water use efficiency; life cycle
costing; renewable energy substitution, cleaner production; waste
minimisation, reuse and recycling; ecological footprint. |
T4 Addressing the problem of global warming
encompassing: greenhouse
gases and their sources and quantities that contribute to global warming. global warming
impacts for Australia for 2030 and 2070 predicted by CSIRO modelling. requirements to
achieve stable atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. ecologically
and economically sustainable methods for achieving these stable
concentrations. |
T5 Greenhouse gas emissions profile encompassing:
goals and principles of the National
Greenhouse Strategy what a greenhouse gas inventory is, why
it is required, and the sectors to which it applies uses to which
the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory can be applied. |
T6 Understanding and communicating climate change
and its impacts encompassing: the possible
impact of climate change in Australia. techniques for improving the
understanding of climate change techniques for communicating to and
educating the general |
public on
greenhouse gas induced climate change. |
T7 Partnerships for greenhouse action
encompassing: actions
achievable by each level of government to implement the NGS. methods by
which the community activity can be engaged in the reduction of greenhouse
gas emissions. initiatives
that can be undertaken by the private sector to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. advantages of international
partnerships. emissions
trading system. |
T8 Efficient and sustainable energy use and
supply encompassing: techniques for
reducing the greenhouse intensity of energy supply. types of renewable energy sources
suitable for use in Australia. methods and
technique for improving end-use efficiency. |
T9 Efficient transport and sustainable urban
planning encompassing: how integrating
land use and transport planning can assist the greenhouse problem. how each of the following can be used to
mitigate greenhouse gas; travel demand and traffic management strategies;
encouraging greater use of public transport, walking and cycling; freight and
logistics systems; improving vehicle fuel efficiency and fuel technologies; |
T10 Greenhouse sinks and sustainable land
management encompassing: how enhancing
greenhouse sinks and encouraging sustainable forestry and vegetation
management can complement the AGS. how greenhouse
gas emissions are obtained from agricultural production and describe
techniques to mitigate the emissions. |
T11 Models of greenhouse best practice in
industrial processes and waste management encompassing: types and
methods of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industry. methods of reducing methane emissions
from waste |
treatment and
disposal. |
T12 Adaptation to climate change encompassing: salient points in each of the key
sectors that require analysis and the strategies required in the need for
adaptation to climate change |
ME 301/ CE 104
Fluid Dynamics
Body forces, compressible flow, Navier
stroke equation, fluid energy equation, incompressible flow, turbulent flow,
instantaneous & average velocity in turbulent flow, inviscid flow, boundary
layer approximation.
106 Hydrology
Fluid, hydraulic jack, pressure head of
fluid, total pressure in immersion surface, buoyancy, pressure gauge, condition
of equilibrium, hydrodynamics, head of liquid, Bernaulli’s theorem, Venturi
meter, water jet, vortex, orifice, flow through orifice, Francis formula,
triangular notch, trapezoidal notch, broad crest weir, friction & flow
through pipes, flow through nozzle, turbine.
CE 106A Detailed construction &
Building Construction Materials
Brick laying, bonding, junction, wall
corner, joint arch, brick paving, brick steps, chimney, roof plumbing, eaves
gutter, sprouting mitre, gutter joining, sprouting, external / internal angle
making PVC angle, moulded angle, obtuse angle, return stop end, sprouting
outlet , pvc outlet, joining sprouting bracket.
Scope, drawing paper, scale,
instruments, terms, abbreviations, symbols, building geometry, plan, elevation,
sections, re-production of drawings, lettering, perspective drawing, 3
dimensional drawing, drawing layout , setting out detailed drawing, detailed
construction, joinery details, room schedule, door schedule, window schedule,
hardware schedule, schedules of finishes, painting schedule, colour schedules,
miscellaneous schedules, structural drawing, frame, RC, beam schedule,
structural steel work, electrical drawing, drainage measured drawing, survey
drawings, working drawing, alteration plan.
CE 110 Building Construction
Types of loads, beam, shear diagram,
roof trusses, foundation engineering, standard penetration test, soil profile,
bearing capacity analysis, retaining wall, footing, steel grades, fasteners,
weld, truss applications, bracing tall buildings, wind connection for beam/
columns, brace bay, steel joist floors, roof systems, concrete joints,
foundations, wall system, fastenings, timber trusses, timber decking, plank and
beam frame, fabrication of structural timber, masonary walls, support condition
for walls, stud wall construction, partitions, installation methods, floor
systems, window / door structure, sand vibration control, roof insulation.
Art of measuring, slope correction,
surveying instruments, level bench mark booking, observation reduce level,
error reduction, change of point, HPC method, two peg test, grid level.
CE 106 Hydrology + ME 204 Fluid Mechanics
Axial flow reaction
turbine, inward flow reaction turbine, hydrostatics, centre of pressure,
Buoyancy, hydrodynamics, orifice, water turbines, venturi meters, weirs.
CE 107 Sanitation/ Water Supply
Basic principle of plumbing, water
supply fittings, sanitary drainage system, storm drainage, compression joints,
types of pipes, pipe fitting layout, piping installation, schematic wet column,
ferrous metal pipes, piping supports, thermal expansion, hot water piping
expansion loop, gate valve, globe valve, check valve, ball valve, plumbing
fixture usage, basin sink installation, plumbing fitting diagram, plumbing
pumping symbols, piping single line drawing, piping installation system, water
circulation systems, piping layout for lot, roof drainage.
CE 113 Structure 1
CE 114 Structure 2
Study sequence of structure
CE 113 Structure
CE 112 Engineering Mechanics
CE 114 Structure
CE 115 Estimating & Specification
CE 111A Road & Bridge
Types of bridges, truss, cantilever bridge,
arch bridge, suspension bridge, double deck bridge, iron brick
bridge, iron brick bridge maintenance
Alignment ,
centrifugal force, track
Technical design, alignment, structural
design, road pavement , road alignment, intersection points, final centre
design work, technical assessment, final choice, time management plan,
construction sequence, daily work planning, gang balancing, work control, site
camping, hand tools, maintenance, storage, setting out traveller, earth work,
embankment, earth work calculation, drainage, road surface drainage, erosion
control, cut off drain, site location, work procedures.
ME 102 Engineering Thermodynamics
-Thermodynamic system,
thermodynamic properties, quality of the working substances, thermodynamic
processes, ideal gas, gas equation during a change of state, thermodynamic
process for gas, vanderwaal gas equation, entropy, properties of steam,
thermodynamic of working fluids
-Gas problems, method of
expansion/compression, first law of thermodynamics, throttling valve, second
law of thermodynamics, third law of thermodynamics
ME 334 Air-conditioning & Refrigeration
EE308 |
Sustainability |
This unit covers developing strategies
to address environmental and sustainability issues in the energy sector. It
encompasses working safely, apply extensive knowledge of sustainable energy
systems and components and their operating parameters, gathering and analysing
data, applying problem solving techniques, developing and documenting
alternatives solutions
KS01-EK132A |
Environmental and Sustainability
strategies |
Evidence shall show an understanding
of greenhouse reduction strategies to an extent indicated by the following
aspects: |
T1 Principles of sustainability
encompassing: ways
in which ecosystems moderate climate. ways in which
ecosystems purify and store water. ways
in which ecosystems recycle waste. |
T2 Problems in a sustainable world
encompassing: changes
to Australian forest cover since white settlement, and the resulting loss of
ecosystem and human benefits. changes to Australia‘s soils
since white settlement, and the resulting loss of ecosystem and human
benefits. changes to Australia‘s
waterways since white settlement, and the resulting loss of ecosystem and
human benefits. place of environmental
accounting in quantifying Australia‘s environmental losses. limits to Australia‘s
population carrying capacity. |
T3 Sustainability principles
encompassing: principles within
sustainability including: environmental accounting and economies; full cost
pricing; triple bottom line ethic; ecologically sustainable development;
greenhouse gas abatement; energy efficiency; resource and water use
efficiency; life cycle costing; renewable energy substitution, cleaner
production; waste minimisation, reuse and recycling; ecological footprint. |
T4 Addressing the problem of global
warming encompassing: greenhouse
gases and their sources and quantities that contribute to global warming. global
warming impacts for Australia for 2030 and 2070 predicted by CSIRO modelling.
to achieve stable atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. ecologically
and economically sustainable methods for achieving these stable concentrations.
T5 Greenhouse gas emissions profile
encompassing: goals and principles of the
National Greenhouse Strategy what a greenhouse gas
inventory is, why it is required, and the sectors to which it applies uses
to which the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory can be applied. |
T6 Understanding and communicating
climate change and its impacts encompassing: the
possible impact of climate change in Australia. techniques for improving the
understanding of climate change techniques for communicating
to and educating the general |
public on greenhouse gas induced climate change. |
T7 Partnerships for greenhouse action
encompassing: actions
achievable by each level of government to implement the NGS. methods
by which the community activity can be engaged in the reduction of greenhouse
gas emissions. initiatives
that can be undertaken by the private sector to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. advantages of international
partnerships. emissions
trading system. |
T8 Efficient and sustainable energy
use and supply encompassing: techniques
for reducing the greenhouse intensity of energy supply. types of renewable energy
sources suitable for use in Australia. methods
and technique for improving end-use efficiency. |
T9 Efficient transport and
sustainable urban planning encompassing: how
integrating land use and transport planning can assist the greenhouse
problem. how each of the following
can be used to mitigate greenhouse gas; travel demand and traffic management
strategies; encouraging greater use of public transport, walking and cycling;
freight and logistics systems; improving vehicle fuel efficiency and fuel
technologies; |
T10 Greenhouse sinks and sustainable
land management encompassing: how
enhancing greenhouse sinks and encouraging sustainable forestry and
vegetation management can complement the AGS. how
greenhouse gas emissions are obtained from agricultural production and
describe techniques to mitigate the emissions. |
T11 Models of greenhouse best
practice in industrial processes and waste management encompassing: types
and methods of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industry. methods
of reducing methane emissions from waste treatment and disposal. |
T12 Adaptation to climate change
encompassing: salient points in each of
the key sectors that require analysis and the strategies required in the need
for adaptation to climate change |