1) Which type of bonds are likely to get ruptured in the junction breakdown after the generation of the strong electric field of about 108 V/m across the depletion region?
a. Ionic Bond
b. Covalent Bond
c. Metallic Bond
d. Van der Waals Bond
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ANSWER: Covalent Bond
Explanation: When the junction is heavily doped with narrow depletion layers, breakdown occurs at a particular voltage which ultimately results in enhancing the strength of electric field (108 V/m ). This electric field has the potential to break the covalent bonds by formation of electron – hole pairs. This entire mechanism is supposed to be called as 'Zener Breakdown'. However, large number of current carriers can be produced by a gradual increase in the reverse voltage. As a result, the junction experiences low resistance in the break-down region.
2) The level of transition capacitance can be controlled with an assistance of applied biasing because the thickness of transition ( or depletion) layer is dependent on the quantity of _________
a. Forward Biasing
b. Reverse Biasing
c. Transistor Biasing
d. All of the above
Related Ques
ANSWER: Reverse Biasing
Explanation: Transition capacitance mainly occurs when P-N junction is in reverse-biased mode. This is so because P and N regions possesses low resistance on individual sides and therefore act like the plates of capacitor. However, the property by which level of capacitance variation can be maintained by application of biasing can be utilized for the construction of a device known as 'Varicap' or 'Varactor' or 'voltacap'. Basically, the capacitance is voltage dependent and can be expressed as,
CT = K / (Vk + VR ) n
3) The typical value of diffusion capacitance is ________
a. 200 times CT
b. 300 times CT
c. 400 times CT
d. 500 times CT
Related Ques
ANSWER: 500 times CT
Explanation: Typical value of transition or (Space-charge) capacitance is 40 pF while typical value of diffusion capacitance is 0.02 μF which is absolutely 500 times the value of transition capacitance. Diffusion capacitance occurs when the junction is forward biased. Diffusion or (Storage capacitance) is directly proportional to forward current & hence this capacitance finds a greater impact on the applications of devices where the necessity of switching arises from forward to reverse biased operating modes.
4) Determine the tuning range of the following circuit that utilizes two varactor diodes with L = 15 mH and whose capacitance varies from 10 to 70 pF .

a. 318 kHz to 1 MHz
b. 418 kHz to 1 MHz
c. 594 kHz to 1.83MHz
d. 694 kHz to 1.83 MHz
Related Ques
ANSWER: 694 kHz to 1.83 MHz
Explanation: As per the circuit configuration,
CT (min) = 10 /2 = 5 pF & CT (max) = 70 /2 = 35 pF
fr (max) = 1 / 2π (√LC )
= 1 / 2π (√15 x 10-3 x 5 x 10 -12)
= 1.83 MHz
fr (min) = 1 / 2π (√LC )
= 1 / 2π (√15 x 10-3 x 35 x 10-12)
= 694 kHz
5) Which mode/modes of conduction represent the salient characteristics of an ideal diode?
a. Conductivity with zero resistance in forward-biased mode
b. Infinite resistance in reversed -biased mode
c. No voltage drop due to zero resistivity
d. All of the above
Related Ques
ANSWER: All of the above
Explanation: It is highly not feasible for any diode to act like an ideal diode because no practical diode resemble to the behaviour of an ideal diode. Basically, ideal diode acts as a short-circuit in forward direction and acts as an open-circuit in reverse direction.
An ideal diode exhibits conductivity with zero resistance in forward direction and infinite resistance in reverse-biased condition without any voltage drop since a short has zero resistance. However, the configuration of an ideal diode closed in forward direction and open in reverse direction can be used as a better bistable switch.
6) What will be the value of current in the following circuit consisting of two oppositely connected ideal diodes in parallel?

a. 1 A
b. 2 A
c. 5 A
d. 15 A
Related Ques
Explanation: According to the circuit configuration, the diode D1 seems to be an open switch and connected in reversed biasing. Hence, diode D1 does not conduct and therefore, the current does not flow through it across the resistance of 20 ohm. Another diode D2 connected in parallel configuration is forward-biased and therefore it acts as a closed switch. Hence, it conducts the current across the 10 ohm resistor. The current flowing through the circuit can be evaluated by;
I = V / R ….....( By Ohm's Law) = V / ( R1 + R2) = 15 / ( 5 + 10) = 15 / 15 = 1 A Thus, 1A is the only current flowing through the above drawn circuit configuration.
7) Which LEDs exhibit emission of light in a perpendicular direction to the PN junction plane?
a. Surface- emitting LEDs
b. Edge -emitting LEDs
c. Multicolored LEDs
d. All of the above
Related Ques
ANSWER: Surface- emitting LEDs
Explanation: By taking into consideration the constructional arrangement of surface-emitting LEDs, P-type layer gets deposited over the N-type substrate by diffusion process.
P-layer is kept on the uppermost portion because of the generation of carrier recombination in the same layer itself.
The operational strategy of surface emitting LED can be confined with an assistance of below drawn schematic view.

However, surface LEDs emit light in accordance to the requisite forward current. The quantity of transmitted output power has a direct relationship with the forward current.
This conceptual notion can be exemplified in the graph that exhibit the relationship between transmitted output power and the forward current.
It is obvious from the above graph that maximum the forward current, greater is the light output.
8) Seven segment display usually occur in _______ types
a. Common anode
b. Common Cathode
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Related Ques
ANSWER: Both a & b
Explanation: Seven segment display exists in two types namely common anode and common cathode.
Generally, all the cathodes of the diodes are connected together to ground in common cathode type.
The reason behind this connectivity is that it becomes feasible to light any segment by applying forward biasing to that specific LED.
Therefore, only +5 V supply is sufficient to anode so as to light the segments at this level.
On the contrary, all the anodes in common anode mode or type are together connected to +5V and hence, ground is supposed to light the segments individually.
Both the common modes of anode and cathode types are usually taken into account while generating the seven segment display.
9) Which colour of light will have maximum possibility of emission when the flow of dc current is in opposite direction especially in case of tri-color blinking multicoloured LEDs?
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Green
d. Yellow
Related Ques
Explanation: Multicolored LEDs are the form of blinking LEDs that mainly comprise two or three color LEDs. Tri-color LEDs resemble to an ordinary LED but it undergoes the emission of light in specifically red, green and yellow light depending on the type of operating stipulation. Tri-color LEDs consists of two leads which functionally act as anode and cathode respectively.

Whenever the flow of DC current is unidirectional, then LED emits red light but as soon as the direction of DC current flow changes in opposite direction, emission of green light is lucidly visible. Apart from these conditions, LED exhibit yellow color in correspondence to AC current.
10) What consequences can be observed in energized regions of LCD when confined to field-effect type of display?
a. Energized regions absorb the incident light by generating localized black display
b. Energized regions reflects the incident light by generating localized white display
c. Energized regions scatter the incident light by generating black & white display
d. Energized regions refracts the incident light by generating only & only white display
Related Ques
ANSWER: Energized regions absorb the incident light by generating localized black display
Explanation: Basically, LCD does not generate its own illumination but it is dependent on external source of illumination for better visual effect.
Among the two categories of LCD display, field-effect display results in an absorption of incident light after getting energized. Besides this, it leads to the formation of localized black display.
Field-effect display is only concerned with an absorption of incident light irrespective of the reflection, refraction and scattering mechanisms.
Conversely, dynamic scattering display itself clarifies the notion of scattering the light in all directions by making the molecules of display to be extravagantly disruptive.
As a result, activated areas ultimately are taken on frosted glass appearance by creating silver display.
11) Compute the requisite series resistance and dark current for a relay which is under the control of photo-conductive cell with the illumination resistance of 2kΩ and dark resistance of 200 kΩ. Current supply to relay is about 8mA from the voltage supply of about 40 V under the illumination condition. It is also mandatory to de-energize the relay when the cell is in the midst of dark.
a. Rs = 2 KΩ & Id = 0.15mA
b. Rs = 2 KΩ & Id = 0.12 mA
c. Rs = 3 KΩ & Id = 0. 10 mA
d. Rs = 3 KΩ & Id = 0.15mA .0.19 mA
Related Ques
ANSWER: Rs = 3 KΩ & Id = 0.15mA .0.19 mA
Explanation: Applying Ohm's law,
I = V / R I = V / ( R+ r) since 'r' is a cell resistance I = 40 / (R + r) Therefore, we can write, R = (40 / I) – r When a photoconductive cell is illuminated, R = ( 40/ 8x 10 -3 ) - 2x 103 = 3 kΩ
Also, the dark current can be given by, Id = V / (Rs + RD ) = 40 / (3 + 200) x 103 = 0.19 x 10 -3 A = 0.19 m A
12) Which opto-electronic device shows the inverse variation in resistance with the incident intensity of light?
a. Photo-conductive Cell
b. Photo-transistor
c. Photodarlington
d. Photo-voltaic Cell
Related Ques
ANSWER: Photo-conductive Cell
Explanation: Photo-conductive Cell is a semiconductor device whose resistance is inversely proportional to intensity of light that falls on it.
Hence, it is also known as 'Photo-resistive Cell' since it works according to the phenomenon of photo-resistivity.
Conceptually, the resistivity of any semiconductor device is dependent on the number of free charge carriers present in it.
In the absence of illumination or light, the number of charge carriers are extremely less and resistivity is tremendously high.
On the contrary, the photons strikes the semiconductor in presence of light and then eventually transfer energy to it.
If the energy of photon exceeds the energy band gap of semiconductor, then liberation of free mobile charge carriers takes place which is also another reason in reducing the value of resistivity.
13) If solar cells are utilized to charge the battery 15 V supplied to an earth satellite with a continuous current of about 2A then compute the number of cells required if each cell during exposure yields 1V at 60 mA. Illumination of Solar cells takes place by Sun for 12 hours in every duration of 24 hours with an assumption of solar voltage 16.5 V.
a. 540
b. 575
c. 590
d. 528
Related Ques
Explanation: It is essential to connect the solar cells in series to obtain requisite amount of voltage. At the same time, it is also crucial to connect such groups in parallel combination for the provision of essential current.
It is almost a prior condition that the charging voltage must be greater than battery voltage.
Number of solar cells connected in series combination = Solar bank Voltage /Continuous Current
Assuming that the solar voltage to be 16.5 V, we can write
No. of solar cells in series connection = 16 /2 = 8
Charge of battery within 24 hour duration = 24 x 2 = 48 Ah
It is mandatory for solar cells to supply the charge of 48 Ah over the similar duration.
Conceptually, solar cells has an ability to supply the current only under the influence of illumination.
This implies that current can be delivered only for 12 hours in every 24 hours. Thus, the required charging current from solar cells = 48 Ah / 12 h = 4 A Consequently, total no. of groups in parallel combination equals to the ratio of output current to the cell current.
Total No. of groups = 4 / (60 x 10-3)
= 66
As a result, the total number of solar cells necessary for an earth satellite
= No. of solar cells in series combination x total no. of groups of solar cells in parallel combination
= 8 x 66
= 528
14) Which waveshaping circuits are preferred or selected for the transmission of specific part of any arbitrary waveform by allocating the reference level?
a. Clipping Circuits
b. Clamping Circuits
c. Voltage Regulating Circuits
d. Sampling Gate Circuits
Related Ques
ANSWER: Clipping Circuits
Explanation: Clipping circuits are used to clip off the input waveform at different levels by simply varying the battery voltage as well as by interchanging position of several elements in the circuit.
These clipper circuits are distinctively used in devices where it is extremely essential to remove signal voltages above or below the specified voltage level. Hence, the clippers are also renowned as voltage (or current limiters ), amplitude selectors or slicers. It is almost referred as a slicer because the output comprises some portion or slice of input in the midst of two reference levels.

15) The shape of externally applied or an impressed control signal in a sampling gate is usually _____.
a. Square
b. Rectangular
c. Diagonal
d. Elliptical
Related Ques
ANSWER: Rectangular
Explanation: Basically, the sampling gate is a transmission circuit where the output is an exact reproductivity of an input waveform within a specified time interval and can also be zero otherwise.
The time interval for the transmission purpose is adopted with the support of an external signal called as control signal or gating signal. These control signals are usually defined in terms of rectangular shape.
However, sampling gates are most oftenly renowned as 'Transmission Gates' or 'Time Selection Circuits'.
16) Which VVC diode consists of graded doping profile & functionally known as a 'snap diode?
a. Varactor Diode
b. Tunnel Diode
c. Gunn Diode
d. Step Recovery Diode
Related Ques
ANSWER: Step Recovery Diode
Explanation: Step Recovery Diode belongs to the category of Voltage Variable Capacitor (VVC) diode whose doping density reduces in the vicinity of junction. This gives rise to the generation of strong electric field on both sides of the junction.
As usual, this diode also conducts in forward direction similar to other diodes.Thus, the reverse current flows during the reverse half-cycle because of draining of the stored charge and consequently the current suddenly falls to zero.
This kind of operational strategy resemble like a diode that has snapped open suddenly during an inceptional portion of reverse cycle.
As a result, step recovery diode is also known as 'Snap diode'. Also, the property of diode to exhibit sudden recovery from reverse ON current to reverse OFF current nominates it as a 'Step Recovery Diode'.
17) Breakdown devices belonging to the category of solid-state devices are basically dependent on the phenomenon of __________
a. Zener Breakdown
b. Avalanche Breakdown
c. PN Junction Breakdown
d. All of the above
Related Ques
ANSWER: Avalanche Breakdown
Explanation: Breakdown devices are specifically renowned by thyristor which act as a semiconductor switch whose bistable action is dependent on P-N-P-N regenerative feedback mechanism.
UJT, LASCR, Diac, Triac, SCR & SCS are some of the widely applicable breakdown devices whose working strategy is confined by the consequences of an avalanche breakdown despite of Zener and PN junction breakdown phenomena which occurs specifically in cases of Zener & PN junction diodes respectively.
These devices performs the function of latching since they consist of two or more junction & can be easily switched ON or OFF at instantaneously rapid speed.
18) The FET used in Unijunction transistor govern the unique capability to control ________
a. large ac power with a large signal
b. large ac power with a small signal
c. small ac power with a small signal
d. small ac power with a large signal
Related Ques
ANSWER: large ac power with a small signal
Explanation: Unijunction transistor comprises three terminals with a single PN junction diode & is different from conventional transistors that it does not undergo amplification. It possesses a negative resistance characteristic that plays a significant role to function it as an oscillator by controlling large ac power with a small signal.
19) Which property of UJT signifies the voltage division factor whose value is always supposed to be less than unity?
a. Intrinsic Stand-off Ratio
b. Extrinsic Stand-off Ratio
c. Current to Resistance Ratio
d. Voltage to Current Ratio
Related Ques
ANSWER: Intrinsic Stand-off Ratio
Explanation: Intrinsic stand-off ratio is said to have a value which is always supposed to be less than 1.
This is so because it specifies the voltage division factor which is usually a ratio of base resistances of first transistor to the additional sum of base resistances concerned to another transistor. Stand-off ratio = Rb1 /(Rb1+ Rb2)
However, it can also be represented in terms of voltage values as,
VA = stand-off ratio x VBB
This eventually results in the voltage drop at the base resistance of another (second) transistor.
20) The acquisition of negative resistance takes place in UJT in the regenerative process when_______
a. Both VE & IE increases
b. Both VE & IE decreases
c. VE increases & IE decreases
d. VE decreases & IE increases
Related Ques
ANSWER: VE decreases & IE increases
Explanation: When emitter voltage becomes exactly equal to peak voltage, the current (Ip ) flows through the resistance to ground causing the UJT to get turned ON.
It is obvious that as VE & IE rises beyond current, the values of base resistance and intrinsic stand-off ratio decreases.
Thus, the process becomes more regenerative by further reduction in emitter voltage since emitter current increases.
With an increase in emitter current , the emitter voltage decreases. Due to this, UJT possesses negative resistance .
Furthermore ,the consequences shows variations when UJT is in saturation mode beyond the valley point and therefore, emitter voltage increases.