Bachelor of Applied Engineering (Electrical+Electronics) with Certificate IV in Electrical & Electronics Trade Studies

Course Development Ideas, Brief Description of the subjects & Resources Links

This is a course that combines the trade skills, para-professional and professional competencies in electrical and electronics engineering.

Today industry demands the multi-skilled professionals. Especially in electro-technology industry, the graduates need to be equipped with multiple skills.

This course combines the Electrical & Electronics Trade Skills, Engineering Associate Competencies & Engineering Technologists Competencies.

Bachelor of Applied Engineering is designed to be equivalent to Engineering Technologist Degree.

The program consists of three level of electrical & electronics engineering competencies

Stage 1--  Year 1 is composed of Electrical & Electronics Trade Units.

The relevant electro-technology training package units are combined up to the stage of pre-capstone assessment level in electrical trades as well as theoretical part of telecommunication  cabler competencies. The award  after the Year 1 is Certificate IV in Electrical & Electronic Trade Studies.

Stage 2-Year 2 is composed of Advanced Diploma level Electrical & Electronic Training Package units.  It is designed to train the students with both electrical and electronic engineering skills and knowledge at engineering associates level.

 After the Year 2, the students can be graduated with Advanced Diploma in Applied Engineering (Electrical & Electronics)


Stage 3- Year 3 & 4 is composed of the degree level electrical and electronic engineering units. The study is a combined studies of electrical power, electronics, computer programming, computer networking , control system, building services engineering and renewable energy.

At  the Advanced Diploma level, electro-technology training package units are referred as detailed contents. But the packaging is based on the study areas.

For example, the unit GE2 Electrical Machine is composed of several electro-technology training package units at trades & technician level related to electric machineries.


Program Objectives

Certificate IV in Electrical & Electronics Trade Studies

One year Certificate IV  in Electrical & Electronics Trade Studies is designed to train the students to work as Engineering Trades Persons (Electrical/Electronics)  in wide ranges of electrical & electronic industries

It is designed to provide the following competencies.

·         Breadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and competencies would cover selecting, adapting and transferring skills and knowledge to Australian environments and providing technical advice and some leadership in resolution of specified problems. This would be applied across a range of roles in a variety of contexts with some complexity in the extent and choice of options available.

·         Performance of a defined range of skilled operations, usually within a range of broader related activities involving known routines, methods and procedures, where some discretion and judgement is required in the section of equipment, services or contingency measures and within known time constraints.

·         Applications may involve some responsibility for others. Participation in teams including group or team coordination may be involved.

·         Distinguishing Features of Learning Outcomes

·         Do the competencies enable an individual with this qualification to:

·         demonstrate some relevant theoretical knowledge

·         apply a range of well-developed skills

·         apply known solutions to a variety of predictable problems

·         perform processes that require a range of well-developed skills where some discretion and judgement is required

·         interpret available information, using discretion and judgement

·         take responsibility for own outputs in work and learning

·         take limited responsibility for the output of others

·          Breadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and competencies would cover a broad range of varied activities or application in a wider variety of contexts most of which are complex and non-routine. Leadership and guidance are involved when organising activities of self and others as well as contributing to technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature.

·         Performance of a broad range of skilled applications including the requirement to evaluate and analyse current practices, develop Australian criteria and procedures for performing current practices and provision of some leadership and guidance to others in the application and planning of the skills.

·         Applications involve responsibility for, and limited organisation of, others.

·         Distinguishing Features of Learning Outcomes

·         Do the competencies enable an individual with this qualification to:

·         demonstrate understanding of a broad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical concepts

·         apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems

·         identify and apply skill and knowledge areas to a wide variety of contexts, with depth in some areas

·         identify, analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources

·         take responsibility for own outputs in relation to specified quality standards

Diploma/ Advanced Diploma in Applied Engineering (Electrical+ Electronics)

Two years  Advanced Diploma in Applied Engineering  ( Electrical & Electronics)  is designed to train the students to work as Engineering Associates Technicians in wide ranges of electrical & electronic industries to perform a wide range of functions within engineering enterprises and engineering teams.

It is designed to provide the following competencies.

·       To be closely familiar with standards and codes of practice, and to become expert in their interpretation and application to a wide variety of situations.

·       To develop very extensive experience of practical installations, and may well be more knowledgeable than Professional Engineers or Engineering Technologists on detailed aspects of plant and equipment that can contribute very greatly to safety, cost or effectiveness in operation.

·       To develop high levels of expertise in aspects of design and development processes. These might include, for example, the use of advanced software to perform detailed design of structures, mechanical components and systems, manufacturing or process plant, electrical and electronic equipment, information and communications systems, and so on.

·       To do the construction of experimental or prototype equipment.

·       To develop detailed practical knowledge and experience complementing the broader or more theoretical knowledge of others.


Bachelor  Applied Engineering (Electrical+ Electronics)

Four  years Bachelor of  Applied Engineering (Electrical & Electronics)  is designed to train the students to work as Engineering Technologists in wide ranges of industries.

The training is designed to provide expertise  to the students which may be at a high level, and fully equivalent to that of a Professional Engineer. That is designed 

·         to exercise the same breadth of perspective as Professional Engineers, or carry the same wide-ranging responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, for system integration, and for synthesising overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.

·         to possess for a strong understanding of practical situations and applications, with the intellectual challenge of keeping abreast of leading-edge developments as a specialist in a technology domain and how these relate to established practice. For this purpose Engineering Technologists need a strong understanding of scientific and engineering principles and a well-developed capacity for analysis.

·         to apply current and emerging technologies, often in new contexts; or with the application of established principles in the development of new practice.

·         To contribute to the advancement of technology.

·         to take responsibility for engineering projects, services, functions and facilities within a technology domain, for specific interactions with other aspects of an overall operating context and for managing

·         to contribute the specialist work to a broader engineering system or solution. In these roles, Engineering

·         to focus on sustainable solutions and practices which optimise technical, social, environmental and economic outcomes within the technology domain and over a whole systems life cycle.

·         to have an intimate understanding of the standards and codes of practice that underpin the technology domain and ensure that technology outcomes comply with statutory requirements. Engineering Technologists are required to interact effectively with Professional Engineers and Engineering Associates, with other professionals, tradespersons, clients, stakeholders and society in general, to ensure that technology outcomes and developments fully integrate with the overall system and context.

·         to ensure that all aspects of a technological product, or operation are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle. 

·         to understand how new developments relate to their specific field of expertise. 

·         to interpret technological possibilities, to investigate interfaces, limitations, consequences, costs and risks.


Credit Points

To be relevant to International Standard Credit Points system, the credit points for the studies are arranged as follows




Credit Points



Certificate IV in Electrical & Electronics Trade Studies





Diploma/ Advanced Diploma in Applied Engineering (Electrical+ Electronics)




Total points after Advanced Diploma




Bachelor  Applied Engineering (Electrical+ Electronics)

Part 1




Bachelor  Applied Engineering (Electrical+ Electronics)

Part 2




Total points after Bachelor of Applied Engineering



Time allocations & detailed credit arrangement for each unit at degree level

More detailed developments are required.

Structures of the units

GE-General Engineering     IE-Intermediate Engineering   

BAE-Bachelor of Applied Engineering

Year 1 Certificate IV in Electrical & Electronics Trades

Semester 1


Principle of Electricity




Fitting & Machining


Engineering Drawing I


Electrical Wiring (EE) Part 1


Machine Principle(ME)


Material Science


Occupational Health & Safety

Semester 2


Electrical Wiring Part 2


Industrial Computer System


Principle of Engine


Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology


Air-conditioning & Refrigeration (ME)


Electrical Machine (EE)


Electronics (EE)


Telecommunication Cabling & Installation

Year 2- Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Applied Engineering -(Electrical & Electronics)

Semester 1-

Diploma  in Engineering Technology-(Electrical & Electronics)


Engineering Mathematics


Engineering Physics

IE7+ IE8

Electrical Circuit (EE)


Industrial Electronics (EE)


Electrical Distribution (EE)


Process Control (EE/ME)


Programmable Logic Controller (EE/ME)


Advanced Engineering Design & Project Work


Control Concept


Semester 2-

Advanced Diploma  in Engineering Technology-(Electrical & Electronics)


Advanced Engineering Mathematics


Engineering Business Management


Power System Operation (EE)


Power System Protection


Computer Networking (EE)


Energy Efficient Building Design


Transmission Line (EE)


Project Management (EE/CE/ME)


Year 3 - Bachelor of Applied Engineering -(Electrical & Electronics) Part 1

Semester 1-

BAE 401

Higher Engineering Mathematics

BAE 402



Photovoltaic Solar Electrical System


Manufacturing Management (ME)




Electronic Signal & System


Electrical Estimating


Semester 2-


Electricity Supply Industrial Skills


Power System Analysis-Fault Calculation


Computer Programming (EE/CE/ME)


Electrical Communication Fundamental

BAE 405

Advanced Circuit Analysis

BAE 406


BAE 407

Advanced Electro-magnetics Field & Materials

BAE 408

Analogue & Digital Electronics




Year 4 - Bachelor of Applied Engineering -(Electrical & Electronics) Part 2

Semester 1-

·       Professional Studies (Part 1)


Hybrid Energy System


Building services

BAE 502

Linear System

BAE 503

Control System

BAE 504

Power System Analysis

BAE 505

Power System Optimization

BAE 507

Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion


Semester 2-

·       Professional Studies (Part 2)

BAE 508

Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management

BAE 603

Software Engineering

BAE 607

Radio Wave Propagation & Microwave Techniques



Other elective BAE units  at level 5 & 6


Design Project



Learning Resources

·       Certificate to Advanced Diploma  Curriculum & Resources Download Link

·       Bachelor of Applied Engineering (Electrical & Electronics) Curriculum & Detailed Contents

·       Bachelor Degree Resources Download Link