Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)

Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)

Bachelor of Engineering (Civil-Building Services)

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Mechatronics)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Information Technology)

Bachelor of Business

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)

YEAR 3 +4


BAE 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics

BAE 402 Calculus

BAE 403 Engineering Mechanics

BAE 404 Engineering Materials & Thermodynamics

BAE 405 Advanced Circuit Analysis

BAE 406 Electro-mechanics

BAE 407 Advanced Electro-magnetics Field & Materials

BAE 408 Analogue & Digital Electronics

BAE 501 Advanced Power Systems & Power Transmission Networks

BAE 502 Linear System

BAE 503 Control System

BAE 504 Power System Analysis

BAE 505 Power System Optimization

BAE 506 Power System Stability  & Protection

BAE 507 Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion

BAE 508 Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management

BAE 601 Computer Programming

BAE 602 Computer Network

BAE 603 Software Engineering

BAE 604 Telecommunication Engineering

BAE 605 Engineering Management

BAE 606 Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

BAE 607 Radio Wave Propagation & Microwave Techniques

BAE 608 Professional Engineer Competency Demonstration Report


Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)



BAE 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics

BAE 402 Calculus

BAE 403 Engineering Mechanics

BAE 404 Engineering Materials & Thermodynamics

BAE 508 Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management



BAE421 Building Construction Engineering ( 4 pt)

BAE422 Estimating ( 2 pt)

BAE423 Fluid Mechanics ( 2 pt)

BAE424 Reinforced Concrete ( 2 pt)

BAE425 Timber Engineering ( 2 pt )

BAE521 Road & Bridge ( 2 pt )

BAE522 Rock Mechanics ( 2 pt )

BAE523 Soil Mechanics ( 2 pt )

BAE 523A Environmental Engineering


Year (4) Part 1

BAE 601 Computer Programming

BAE 605 Engineering Management

BAE 606 Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

BAE 609 Design Project

Total Credit points in this group

Year (4) Part 1

 ( 12  Pt)

BAE621 Structural Engineering ( 3 pt )

BAE623 Surveying & Traffic Engineering ( 2 pt)

BAE624 Water Supply , Sanitation & Finishing ( 2 pt )

BAE 608 Engineering Competency Demonstration Report Writing (2pt)


BAE622 Architecture ( 3 pt )





Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)

Year (3)



BAE 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics

BAE 402 Calculus

BAE 403 Engineering Mechanics

BAE 404 Engineering Materials & Thermodynamics

BAE 507 Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion

BAE 508 Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management

BAE511 Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Part 1

BAE613 Mechanical Instrumentation Process

BAE614 Machine Design

BAE512 Building Service Water Supply System

BAE511 Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Part 2

BAE613 Mechanical Instrumentation Process


Year (4)  Part 1  BE (Mechanical + General Related Subjects)

BAE 601 Computer Programming

BAE 602 Computer Network

BAE 603 Software Engineering

BAE 605 Engineering Management

BAE 606 Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering





Year (4) Part 2

Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Specialization ( 13 pt)

BAE311 Plant Engineering (2 pt)


BAE312 Design Engineering (2 pt)


BAE313 Environmental Control (2 pt)


BAE314 Mechanical Power Generation (2 pt)


BAE315 Materials Engineering (2 pt) Part 1 Part 2

BAE 608 Engineering Competency Demonstration Report Writing (3 pt)

Elective (2 pt)



BAE513 Production Technology

BAE611 Maintenance Engineering

BAE612 Engineering Metallurgy


Bachelor of Engineering (Civil-Building Services)



EE101 DC Circuit Problems

EE102 Basic Electrical Fitting & Wiring

EE103 Basic Electrical Drafting

EE104 Electrical Equipments Safety Protection

EE105 Electrical Installation Design

EE107 Electrical Equipments

EE106 Advanced Electrical Wiring

EE108 Electrical Fault Finding

EE109 Electrical Control Circuits

EE111 Electromagnetism & Basic Electrical Machines

EE112 Alternating Current Principle

EE113 Electrical Fundamental

EE115 Basic Analogue & Digital Electronics

EE116 Process Control System

EE117 Solar Electrical System

EE119 Electrical Risk Assessment

EE120 Electrical Contracting & Specifications

EE308 Sustainability




ME 102 Engineering Thermodynamics

ME 109 Engineering Drawing

ME 107 Heat Transfer

ME 201 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

ME 204 Engineering Fluid Mechanics

ME 301 Fluid Dynamics





EE201 Engineering Mathematics

EE204 Engineering Physics

EE302 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 

EE307 Energy Efficient Building Design



BAE 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics

BAE 402 Calculus

BAE 403 Engineering Mechanics

BAE 404 Engineering Materials & Thermodynamics

BAE 508 Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management

BAE 601 Computer Programming

BAE 605 Engineering Management

BAE 606 Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

BAE 609 Design Project


Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical-Mechatronics)

Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering)




(1) ME104  Principle of Machine

 (2)EE624 Process Control

EE115 Basic Analogue & Digital Electronics

EE116 Process Control System

(3)ME 334 Airconditioning and Refrigeration

(4) ME202  Aerodynamics

(5) ME 302 Automation-and-Robotics

(6) ME 303 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

(7) ME 234 Wind Turbines 

(8) ME 201 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics

(9) ME 204 Engineering Fluid Mechanics +

ME 301 Fluid Dynamics

(10) ME 206 Introduction to Turbo Machinery

(11)ME 205 Manufacturing Processes & Materials

(12) ME 207 Chemical Thermodynamics

(13)ME 208 Hydrocarbons

(14) ME 634 Pneumatics

(15) ME 203 Control

(16) ME 534 Numerical Control

(17) ME 434 Mechtronics-Robotics

(18)EE 617 Building Electrical and Mechanical System

 (19)EE105 Electrical Installation Design

EE107 Electrical Equipments  

EE105 Electrical Installation Design

EE107 Electrical Equipments

(20)EE106 Advanced Electrical Wiring 

(21) EE116 Process Control

(22) EE117 Solar Electrical System

(23) EE119 Electrical Risk Assessment

EE120 Electrical Contracting

(24) ME 109 Engineering Drawing

EE301 Advanced Electrical Drafting    

(25) EE121 Electronics Power Control Devices 

(26) EE206 AC

(27) EE207 DC

(28)EE202 Electrical Circuits

(29)EE203 Three Phase Power Circuits 


(30) ME 305 Corrosion Prevention

(31) ME 306 Theory-of-waves-in- materials

Bachelor of Applied Engineering (Mechanical-Mechatronics)


BAE 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics

BAE 402 Calculus

BAE 403 Engineering Mechanics

BAE 404 Engineering Materials & Thermodynamics

BAE 405 Advanced Circuit Analysis

BAE 406 Electro-mechanics

BAE 408 Analogue & Digital Electronics

BAE 502 Linear System

BAE 503 Control System

BAE 507 Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion

BAE 508 Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management

BAE 601 Computer Programming

BAE 602 Computer Network

BAE 603 Software Engineering

BAE 604 Telecommunication Engineering

BAE 605 Engineering Management

BAE 606 Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering


BAE 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics  (9 pt)

An Introduction to theory of complex variables

Complex numbers



Integration in the complex plane

Integral theorems

Power series

Introduction of rational functions of trigonometric functions.




Continuous distribution

Exponential distribution

Normal distribution

Gamma distribution

Convergence in distribution

F   distribution


Discrete distribution

Binomial distribution

Poisson distribution



Elementary linear algebra

Algebra in Fn Example problems

Geometric meaning of vectors

Geometric meaning of vector addition

Distance between points in Rn   Length of vector

Geometric meaning of scalar multiplication

Dot product

Cross product

System of equation geometry

System of equation – Algebric operation

Matrice arithmetic

Determinants –Basic technique & properties

Integration and differential equations


List of integrals


Introduction to background


Theorem of integration


Improper integrals


Improper integral problems


Integration of rational functions


Differential equations


First order ordinary differential equations


Homogenous equations


The general linear equations



Random variables


Simple introduction examples




Frequency and distribution functions in 1 dimension


Mathematical modelling preliminary


Discrete time model

Maths 301 Introduction to Complex Variables


The residue Theorem


Fourier Transform


Integral theorem of complex analysis with applications to the evaluation of real integral




Integral theorems – The green Theorem


Cauchy’s integral theorem


Cauchy’s residue theorem



Maths 302 Elementary Linear Algebra

A formula for the inverse

Cramer’s rule

Example 6.2.3 , 6.2.4 , 6.2.6, 6.2.7

Rank of a matrix

Example 8.2.9 , 8.2.10, 8.3.3 , 8.3.5, 8.3.6, 8.3.7, 8.3.8

Linear independence and bases

Linear transformation

Constructing the matrix of a linear transformation

Linear programming

Maths 401 Continuous Distribution

X2 Distribution

F   Distribution

F   Distribution &   “ t “  Distribution

Estimation of parameters


Maths 402 Discrete Distribution

Geometric distribution

Pascal distribution

Negative binomial distribution

Hyper geometric distribution


Maths 303 Essential Engineering Mathematics

Vectors and matrices

Functions and limits , Example problems

Calculation of one variable ( Part 1) Differentiation,             

Calculation of one variable ( Part 1) Integration,             

Calculus of many variables,

Ordinary differential equations,

Complex function theory

Maths 501 Introduction to probability


Theoretical background


Playing card


Binomial distribution


Lotto    Example


Conditional probabilities –Baye’s formula



Maths 501 Linear algebra and matrices

Linear transformation matrices

Definition 2.1.1 to 2.1.3

i j   Entry of product  Definition 2.1.8

Rank of matrices

Row operations


Maths 502 Introductory Finite Difference Method for PDE

Partial differential equations. Example problems

Taylor theorem

Iterative solution methods

Jacobi Iteration

Gauss Seidel Iteration

Successive Relaxation method


Maths 601 Random Variables

Theoretical results

Frequencies and distribution ( 1 dimension )

Function of random variables


BAE 402 Calculus ( 3 pt)


Calculus 1 a .pdf

Differentiation, Example problems

Integration, Example problems

Simple differential equations, Example problems


Calculus 2 a .pdf

Integration of trigonometric polynomials

Complex decomposition of a fraction between two polynomials

Chain rule

Calculation of the directional derivatives

An overview of integration in the plane and in the space

Line integrals

Surface integral

Green’s theorem in the plane


Calculus 2b 1.pdf

The range of functions in several variables

Line integral

Space integral

Line integral


Calculus 3b. pdf

Power series method in solution of problems, Example problems


Calculus 3C 1. pdf

Sequence in general


Calculus 4C 1. pdf


Sum function of Fourier series


Maths 303 Engineering Mathematics

Introduction and background

Integration of rational functions

Integration of trigonometric functions

Differential equations


Maths 403 Second Order Differential Equations

Power series solutions

Bessel equations and Bessel functions

Legendre polynomials

Differential equations

BAE 403 Engineering Mechanics ( 1 pt)


Stress   Example


Stress lectures


Strain  All examples


Strain lessons


Mechanical properties of materials


Mechanical properties of materials


Axial members


Axial members


Torsion of shaft


Torsion of shaft


Symmetric bending of beams


Symmetric bending of beams


Deflection of symmetric beams


Deflection of symmetric beams


Stress transformation


Stress transformation


Strain transformation


Strain transformation


Design and failure


Design and failure


Stability of columns


Stability of columns


Newton motion

One dimensional motion

Simple harmonic motion

Damped oscillation

X (t) = Ar e- rt/l cos (wt –δr)

Rotating reference frame equations

Modern Mechanics Part 1

Modern Mechanics Part 2

Modern Mechanics Part 3

Modern Mechanics Part 4

Modern Mechanics Part A

Modern Mechanics Part B

Modern Mechanics Part C


ME 301 Applied Mathematics




Resistance forces

Resolving forces

Rigid bodies

Centre of gravity



Circular motion

Gravitation and planetary motion

The language of vectors


BAE 404 Engineering Materials & Thermodynamics ( 3 pt )

Heat Transfer. pdf

(1) Heat transfer mode  Example problems

(2) Conduction  Example problems

(3) Convection  Example problems

(4) Radiation  Example problems

(5) Heat Exchanger  Example problems


Theory of waves in materials.pdf


Materials- Basic mechanical properties

Basic wave phenomena

Harmonic waves

Elastic volume and shear waves

Rayleigh Elastic waves


Engineering Thermodynamics

General definition

Thermodynamics-Working fluids

Laws of Thermodynamics

Worked Example 3.1 to 3.25


ME434 Wind Turbines

Wind Energy

Theory of wind energy

Wind turbine types and components

Wind energy measurement, Wheel encoder  Worked


ME634 Pnuematics

Principle of pneumatics

Linear actuators

Flow control

Pnuematics sensors

Pnuematics symbols


BAE 405 Advanced Circuit Analysis ( 3 pt )

DC Circuit Analysis

Circuit Theory


Analog, digital signals , electric current, power summary

Circuit analysis, electric potential, electric power, sign convection, electric source, Kirchoffs’ law

Circult elements, characteristics KCL, KVL

Resistor (Series, parallel, wheatstone bridge, Nodal analysis

Nodal analysis, mesh analysis

Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem,

Operational amplifier

Inverting amplifier circuit, Summing amplifier, Differential amplifier

Capacitor, Op-amp integrator, stored energy

Mutual inductance, time constant, transient

Transient response of 1 st order circuit, RL transient analysis, sequential switching

RC/RL Circuit , Propogation, Delay, DRAM

Semi conductor

PN Junction diode

Light emitting diode


Digital signal

CMOS Digital circuit

Combinational logic circuits

Flip flops

Propagation delay in timing diagram

Integrated circuit fabrication

Device isolation methods

Interconnected resistance and capacitance

Transistor scaling

Integrated circuit design for application in communications

Small signal amplifiers

Network noise intermodulation distortion

CAD for noise analysis

Snsors & Detectors

Low noise design methodology


Modulators and demodulators

Concepts in Electrical Circuit

Circuit theorem

Sinusoids & phasors

Frequency response

EE303 Engineering Circuit Analysis

Basic circuits

Basic Nodal and Mesh analysis

Linear and Superposition/ Source Transformation

RL/ RC Circuits

RLC Circuits

Sinusoidal steady state analysis

AC Power Circuit Analysis

Polyphase Circuits

Magnetically coupled circuits

Complex Frequency / Laplace Transform

Laplace Transform

Circuit analysis in “ S “ domain

Pole/ Zero constellation

Frequency Response

Two ports network

Fourier Circuit Analysis

Use of symmetry theory



EE404 Electrical Measurement ( 1 pt )


Measurement of inductance and capacitance


Measurement of  resistance


Magnetic measurement


High voltage measurement and tesating


Location of cable fault


Measurement of power


Measurement of energy



BAE 406 Electro-mechanics ( 2 pt )

Electro-mechanic -1.0.1 Scope of application

1.1  Electro-magnetic theory

1.1.1a Magnetic field system, Table 1.1

1.1.1.b Electric field system  Table 1.2

Lumped electro-mechanical elements

Lumped parameter-electro-mechanic

Rotating machines

Lumped parameter-electro mechanical dynamics

EE 502 Electrical Machines  

DC Generator, Example problems

DC Motors, Example problems

Efficiency & heating of electrical machines, Example problems

Three phase transformer, Example problems

Three phase induction motors, Example problems

Synchronous generators, Example problems

Synchronous motors, Example problems

Basic of industrial motor control, Example problems

ME 301 Machine Principle 

Rotating machines

Machinery mounting



Power transmission



BAE 407 Advanced Electro-magnetics Field & Materials ( 1 pt)

Electric field

Electrostatic potential

Dipole and quadrature pole movements

Batteries, resistors, ohm laws


Magnetic effect of an electric current

Force on current in a magnetic field

Electro-dynamics of moving bodies

Magnetic potential

Electro-magnetic Induction


Properties of magnetic materials

Alternating current

Laplace transform

Maxwell Equation

CGS Electricity & Magnetism

Magnetic dipole movement


Electric field

Electrostatic Energy

Laplace’s equation (1)

Laplace’s equation (2)

Remarks on units

Green’s functions

Multipole expansion

Electro-static in matter

Boundary condition

Magneto statics (1)

Magneto statics (2)

Macroscopic magneto statics

Maxwell’s equation

DISC movement

Electro-magnetic plane waves

Reflection & refraction

Casual relation between D & E

Wave guides and load cavities

Electromagnetic radiation and scattering (1)

Electromagnetic radiation and scattering (2)

Scattering by small di-electric sphere


Electro magnetic fields and moving charges

Multipole expansion

Magnetic constants and materials

Ampere law

Brief history of electro magnetism

Gauss’s law

Numerical solutions to Laplace’s equation

Small current loop

Curvilinear co-ordinate system


Dielectric tensors and constants

Analytic solution to Laplace equation

Magnetostatic boundary condition

Electrostatic boundary condition

Electromagnetic field

The gradient vector

Maxwell’s equation

Electro-magnetic wave propagation

BAE 407 Advanced Electro-magnetic Field & Materials

Electro dynamics

Introduction to electro statics


Boundary value problems in electro statics (1)


Boundary value problems in electro statics (2)


Multi-poles Macroscopic media –Dielectrics


Static and stationary magnetic fields


Maxwell’s equations


Plane wave and wave propogation


Wave guides and cavities




The special theory of relativity


Particles and field dynamics


Charged particle collisions-Energy loss, Scattering


Radiation by moving charges


BAE 407 Advanced Electro-magnetic Field & Materials

EMFT book.pdf

Summary of electro statics


Electro-magnetics waves

Classical optics

Conservation Law

Conservation Law

Conservation Law

Generic wave

Electromagnetic waves in vacuum

Electromagnetic waves in matter

Electromagnetic waves in conductor

Electromagnetic waves propagation

Electromagnetic waves field

Wave guides

Electromagnetic waves radiation



EE407 Electro-magnetism

Di-electric materials and capacitance

Transmission Lines

Maxwell’s equations and electro-magnetic waves



Transmission Line

Maxwell Equation



BAE 408 Analogue & Digital Electronics ( 5 pt )

Semi conductor devices

Digital circuits

Power Electronics Converters

Introduction to Electronic Engineering

Power Electronics  & Applied Electronics

Digital System

Digital Signal Processing 

Digital Image Processing

Electronics Circuits

Power Electronics Control

Digital System

Number system basics

Introduction to logic gates

Combinational logic

Karnaugh map

Arithmetic circuit

Coders/ Multiplexers


Digital Signal Processing

Signal system representation

Fourier/ Z Transform

Discrete Fourier Transform

Principle of filter design

FIR filter design

Digital Image Processing


Intensity transformation & spatial filtering

Filtering in frequency domain

Discrete Fourier Transform

Butterworth Low Pass Filter

Butterworth High Pass Filter

Image restoration / Noise analysis

Digital Image Processing


Intensity transformation & spatial filtering

Filtering in frequency domain

Discrete Fourier Transform

Butterworth Low Pass Filter

Butterworth High Pass Filter

Image restoration / Noise analysis


BAE 501 Advanced Power Systems & Power Transmission Networks ( 3 pt )

Principle of Power System

Source of energy

Steam power station

Hydro power station

Diesel power station

Nuclear power station

Gas turbine power station

Variable load on power station

Interconnected grid system

Economic of power generation

Importance of high load factor


PF improvement

Supply system

Mechanical design of OH line



Electrical design of OH line

Performance of transmission line

Line generalised constants

UG cable

Capacitance in 3 core cable

Distribution system

DC Distribution

DC System

AC Distribution

Voltage control

Introduction to switch gear

Circuit breaker



Protection transformers


Advanced Power System –Power Transmission Network

Consequence of power quality

Power quality & applications

Power quality analysis

Power quality monitoring

Management, control and automation of power quality improvement

Electrical generation and distribution system and power quality disturbances

Integration of hybrid distribution units in power grid

Optimal location and control of multi hybrid model based wind shunt facts to enhance power quality

Power quality and voltage  sags indices in electrical power systems.

Power Transmission Line

AASR Conductors

ARC Fault

Circuit breaker rating

Current transformer

Electrical bushing

Electrical fuse

Induction motor model

IP rating

Load factor

Load redundancy

Over current protection

Partial  discharge

Per unit system

Phase conversion


RL Switching

Sequence network

Short circuit calculation

Symmetrical component

Transformer impedance

Power Transmission Line 2

AC Power Transmission

Insulation Resistance test

Dry type transformer

Electrical software

Insulation resistance test


Electrical  Power Generation System

Designing for high temperature and pressure

Turbine components

Burning of fuel

Facts about fuel

Burning gas and oil

Selecting fuel

Water treatment

Heat exchanger

Computer control

System economics

Power System

Transmission & distribution system

Control of power and frequency

Control of voltage and reactive power

Load flow


System stability

Over voltage and insulation requirement

Substations and protection

Electrical Power 

Power line

Neutral earthing

Switch gear



Power system

Generator response to system faults

Calculation of fault current

Symmetrical components

Commissioning electrical plant

Power System Technology

Power system fundamental

Modern power system

Power control devices

Operational control system

Power conversion

Specialised testing & measurement devices

Generation , Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power

Voltage transient and line surge

Transmission of electrical energy


UG Cable

Voltage drop in distribution


Line and machine chart

Voltage regulation stability

Fault calculation in line

Electrical Power Distribution in Industry & Transmission (Electrical Distribution Engineering)

Planning & design

Electrical design

Mechanical design (Over head)

Mechanical design (Under ground)


Conductor inductance & capacitance

Power Transmission and Practical Power Distribution 

Electric power system

Percentage and per unit quantities

Circuit constants

Assemblies of power system components

Power circuit stability

BAE 502 Linear System ( 1 pt )

Controllability of linear control system


Finite dimensional linear control system


Linear partial differential equations


Introduction to intelligent control system with high degrees of autonomy

Overview of field

Control system

System identification

Digital and analog

System metrics

System modelling

Classical control


Transfer functions

Sampled data system

System delays

Poles and zeros

Modern control

State space equation

Linear system solution

BAE 503 Control System ( 4 pt )


Block diagram

Feedback control loop

Bode plot

Nichol chart



Routh Hurwitz Criterion, Root Locus

Nyquist Criterion

State Space Stability

Controllers & Compensators

Controllability & Observability

System Specifications

Controllers, Compensators

Z -  Transform

Non Linear Control Applications

Application of input/ output linearization

Non linear control for 2 stages PF correction converter

Non linear observer based control allocation

Control Engineering MATLAB

Transfer functions and their responses

Frequency response/ Plotting

Closed loop control

Controller design



Feedback and Control System

Introduction to linearized dynamic model

Transfer function model of physical systems

Transient performance / S- Plane

Feedback system modelling / Performance

Dynamic compensation of feedback system

PID Control

Application of PID controllers in motor drive system

Applications of Non Linear Control


Phase plane method

Process Control

Analog Signal Conditioning

Digital Signal Conditioning

Final Control

Discrete State Control

Controller Principle

Analog Controller

Digital Controller

Control  Loop Characteristics

Numerical Control

Introduction to numerical control machinery

Numerical control system

Programming co-ordinates

Two axis programming

Three axis programming

Maths for numerical control programming


BAE 504 Power System Analysis ( 1 pt )


Real & Reactive power injected bus

Classification of buses

Classification of buses

Preparation of data for load flow

Load flow by Gauss Seidel method

Updating load bus voltage

Updating PV bus voltage

Convergence of the algorithm

Solution of a set of non linear equation by Newton Raphson method

Load flow by Newton Raphson method

Load flow algorithm

Formation of Jacobian matrix

Formation of Jacobian matrix

Solution of Newton Raphson load flow

Load flow results

Load flow results

Load flow programs in MATHLAB

Forming Y bus matrix

Gauss Seidel Load Flow

Solving non linear equation using Newton Raphson method

Newton Raphson load flow

Power System Analysis


Transmission line model

Gauss Seidel Algorithm

Newton Raphson Iteration

DC Power Flow Algorithm


Transient Stability

Power System Analysis

Power Apps Transient Stability validiation document for single pole open/ close simulation

 (Power flow analysis + FAULT ANALYSIS + Power system dynamics and Stability)

Static Analysis


Network model

Active & reactive power flow

Nodal formation of power flow problem

Basic power flow problem

Solution of power flow problems

Fault analysis

Power system dynamics and stability

Synchronous machine model

The swing equation

Power swing in simple system

Oscillation in multi machine system

Voltage stability

Control of reactive power voltage




BAE 505 Power System Optimization ( 1 pt )


Power Flow Analysis

Classic Economic Dispatch

Linear programming method

Mathematical model of economic dispatch

Linear programming model

Optimization of power system performance using facts devices

Optimization of dynamical system

Matrix Eigen Value Method


BAE 506 Power System Stability  & Protection ( 2 pt)

Transient in RL circuit

Symmetrical fault

Transient in RL circuit

DC Source

AC Source

Faults in AC Circuit

Short circuit in unloaded synchronous generator

Symmetrical faults in power system

Calculation of fault current using Z bus matrix

Circuit breaker selection

Symmetrical components & representation of faulted network



Real & reactive power

Real & reactive power

Orthogonal Transformation

Sequence circuit for star load

Sequence circuit for delta load

Sequence circuit for synchronous generator

Sequence circuit for symmetrical transmission line

Sequence circuit for transformer

Star/ Star Connected Transformer

Delta/Delta Connected Transformer

Star/ Delta Connected Transformer

Sequence Network

Un- symmetrical Faults


Single line to ground fault

Line to line fault

Two lines to ground fault

Fault current computation using sequence network

Transient Stability



Power angle relationship


Swing equation


Equal area criterion


Equal area criterion


Multi machine stability


Oscillation in “ S “ Two areas System


Compensation of power transmission




Ideal shunt compensator


Improving voltage profile


Improving power angle characteristics


Improving stability margin


Improving damping power oscillations


Ideal series compensator


Impact of series compensator for voltage profile


Improving power angle characteristics


Improving power angle characteristics


Alternate mode to voltage injection


Alternate mode to voltage injection


Comparison of two modes of operation


Power flow control and power swing damping


Power System Protection

Different types of relays and settings

·         Technical feasibility of various options

·         Cost of options

·         Type of transmission AC/DC

·         Number of circuits

·         Conductor type

·         Transmission loss

·         Reactive power support requirements

·         Reliability

·         Quality of power supply

·         Stability aspects of the interconnected system

·         Operational planning

·         Short circuit levels and breaker requirements

·         over voltages and control

·         Insulation coordination at substations

·         Substation arrangements at the end of line, including switching arrangements.

·         Insulation requirements.

·         Protection, monitoring, control and automation requirements

·         Study of harmonics where needed [as in case of HVDC or when a terminating station is close to sources of harmonics]

·         Basic and Detailed engineering related to transmission towers, routes, substations

Philosophy of protective relaying

Fundamental of relaying

Current/ voltage/directional/ differential relay

Distance relaying

Pilot wire relay

Carrier current relay

Voltage transformer

Relay response

Generator protection

Transformer protection

Busbar protection

Line protection

Line protection with distance relay

Line protection with pilot relay


Power system stability

Power system stability Guidelines

Power system stability guidelines for determination and report

Direct stability analysis of electric power system using energy functions

Power system stability –New opportunity for control

Typical power quality and harmonic measurement plots

Robust power system stabilizer design using particle swarm optimisation techniques

Harmonic analysis



Power Quality

Power quality


Electrical protection for power system


Substation automation


Introduction to power quality

Harmonic model of transformer

Substation automation

Modelling analysis of synchronous machines

Life time reduction


Power system modelling under non sinusoidal condition


Impact of power quality on reliability


Role of filters in power system



BAE 507 Electro-mechanical Energy Conversion ( 2 pt )

Basic semiconductor physics

PN Junction semiconductor

Power switching devices

Electrical rating of switching devices


Load/ switch communication

Driving semiconductor & thyristor

Protecting diode / Thyristor/ Transistors

Switching circuit energy recovery

Series , parallel devices operation protection

Naturally commutating converter

AC Voltage Regulator

DC choppers

Power inverters

Switched mode & resonant DC-DC power supplies


Soft magnetic materials


Motor Control Electronics

AC Induction motor control

Motor control MCU

Networking for motor control system

DC motor control design

Motor control electronic devices

Power semi conductors

Mechatronics/ Robotics

Robotics Application

Robotic Gears


Robotic Sensors


BAE 508 Industrial Engineering & Industrial Management ( 1 pt )

Effective management decision making

Chapter (1) Introduction


Business Information System

Chapter (1) Defining Information System

Chapter (7) Acquiring Information System

Chapter (8) Developing Information System

Managing Human Resources in 21 Century

Chapter (3) Human resources Management

Management Basics

Chapter (2) The Manager’s Job

Chapter (4) Planning in Organization

Operation Management

Chapter (1) Introduction

Chapter (2) Operation Strategy

Chapter (10) Work System Design

Chapter (11) Project Management

Chapter (12) Inventory Management


Quality Management

Chapter (7) Leadership in Quality Management

Chapter (8) Strategic Quality Management

Chapter (15) Implementing Quality Management

Strategic Financial Management

Chapter (1) Finance An Overview

Chapter (2) Capital Budgeting

Chapter (5) Equity Valuation & Cost of Capital


Strategic Management

Chapter (2) The Basic of Strategy

Chapter (3) The Levels of formulation of strategy

Chapter (6) External analysis

Chapter (7) Internal analysis

Chapter (10) Strategy implementation

Understanding organization part 1

Chapter (3) Organization structure

Chapter (4) Organization culture

Chapter (5) Managing behaviour

Chapter (6) Effective leadership

Part (2) Competency Units

Mgt 501 Basic Management  & Communication Skills         ( 1 pt)

Textbook – Mgt 501 Management Basics

Chapter (1) Management basics

Chapter (3) Planning

Chapter (5) Organizing

Chapter (6) Organizing the organization

Chapter (7) Leading

Textbook—Mgt501 Management Briefs

Chapter (2) Leadership

Chapter (5) Motivation

BAE 601 Computer Programming ( 3 pt )

Part (1) Overview Knowledge of the subject

Select any of the following textbooks

IT 401 Object Oriented Programming ( 1 pt)

IT 402 Structured Programming ( 1 pt)

IT 403 Visual Basic Programming ( 1 pt)



BAE 602 Computer Network ( 1 pt )

Computer Network

Peer to peer networking

Client server networking

Network hardware

Network cable


Wired network

Wireless network card


Wiring the network

Wiring the network

Running the network program

Viewing network connection

Network set up on additional computers

Viewing network connection





Network model



Data and signals



Data and signals



Data rate limit






Digital transmission



Digital transmission



Analog transmission



Analog transmission



Bandwidth utilization/ Multiplexing/ Spreading



Bandwidth utilization/ Multiplexing/ Spreading



Transmission media



Error detection & correction



Error detection and correction


Defining needs

Area covered

Organization information requirement

System VS Procedure

Types of systems

What are the systems?


Support system

Data mart

Organizational structure

Planning for system development

System design

Security of information system

Risk management


BAE 603 Software Engineering ( 2 pt )


Software process

Feasibility study

Project management

Documentation, Requirement analysis

Requirement specification

Business/ Legal aspect

Source code management

Formal specification

Object oriented design 1

Object oriented design 2

Object oriented design 3

System Architecture 1

System Architecture 2

System Architecture 3

Design for utility

Performance of computer system

Coding standard/ Tools for designing 1

Dependable system 1 Reliability

Dependable system 2 Validation

Law aspect

Risks in software engineering

Software engineering as engineering

Nano Technology

What is Nano technology?

Motivation for Nano technology

Scaling laws

Nano technology







BAE 604 Telecommunication Engineering ( 2 pt )

Communication fundamental

Information & bandwidth

Amplitude modulation transmission

Amplitude modulation reception

Single side banded communication

Frequency modulation –Transmission


Frequency modulation –Reception


Communication Techniques


Communication Receivers


Pulse Modulation


Code transmission




Transmission lines


Wave propagation




Fibre optics


Data Communication

Overview of data communication

Data terminals

Massage and transmission channels

Asynchronous modems and interfaces

Synchronous modem and digital transmission

Protocol and error control

Electronics Telecommunication

RF Transmission

Transmission Lines & Antennas, Video signals


BAE 605 Engineering Management ( 5 pt )

Part (1) Overview Knowledge of the subject

Completion of BAE 508 Overview also completes BAE 605 Overview

Part (2) Competency Units

Mgt 502 Operation Management ( 1 pt)

Mgt 503 Production & Operation Management ( 1 pt)

Mgt 504 Project Management ( 1 pt)

Mgt 505 Quality Management and Manufacturing Engineering ( 1 pt)

Mgt 506 Strategic Financial Management ( 1 pt)

Mgt 502 Operation Management ( 1 pt)

Chapter (3) Product design and process selection

Chapter (4) Total quality management

Chapter (7) JIT & Lean System

Chapter (8) Capacity planning

Mgt 503 Production & Operation Management ( 1 pt)

Chapter (6) Planning production

Chapter (7) Managing inventories-Material requirement planning

Chapter (11) Manufacturing

Chapter (13) Dealing with technology and design

Chapter (15) Operation strategy

Mgt 504 Project Management ( 1 pt)

Chapter (1) Project management

Chapter (2) Project organization

Chapter (4) Project plan

Chapter (5) Progress & performance measurement

Chapter (6) Risk management

Chapter (7) Documentation/ Audit/ Closure

Mgt 505 Quality Management and Manufacturing Engineering ( 1 pt)

Chapter (2) Background

Chapter (3) Why quality management

Chapter (5) Standards and models

Chapter (5) Progress & performance measurement

Chapter (8) Strategic quality management

Chapter (7) Documentation/ Audit/ Closure

Mgt 506 Strategic Financial Management ( 1 pt)

Chapter (3) Capital budgeting

Chapter (4) Treatment of uncertainty

Chapter (6) Debt valuation and cost of capital

Chapter (7) Capital gathering & cost of capital


BAE 606 Building Service Electrical & Mechanical Engineering ( 2 pt )

Building Construction 1

Making building



Interior finish for wood light frame construction

Wall types

Concrete construction

Air-conditioning & Refrigeration

Controlling the temperature of mass

Electric heat


Air-conditioning –Cooling / Comfort

Air-distribution & Balance

Reference Tables

Sanitation & Water Supply

Design of onsite sanitation system

Hydraulic design of sewers

Building Electrical & Mechanical System  Part 1

Climate comfort and design strategies

Thermal control

Designing for heating cooling

Large building HVAC system

Water and basic design

Water supply

Water and waste

Fire protection

Fire protection


Lighting design

Signal system

Airconditioning and Refrigeration

Theory of heat

Solar heat



Air-distribution & Balance

Air-conditioning Calculation worksheets


BAE 607 Radio Wave Propagation & Microwave Techniques ( 2 pt )

Radio Wave Propagation

Introduction to radio wave propagation

Propagation features/ Overviews

Electromagnetic waves, Prpagation through atmosphere


Radio wave propagation fundamentals

Antennas and propagation

Mobile radio propagation


Wave propagation

Radio navigation

Wireless communication

Microwave Technique

Microwave antenna and radio wave propagation

Distributed element circuit analysis techniques

Matching networks

Couplers, combiners, dividers


Gain and stability


Electromagnetism and RF Propagation


Antenna Fundamental


Communication system


RF Safety


Rain attenuation of microwave and milli-meter wave signals

Design of microwave filters (Vol 1)

Mechanically & magnetically tunable microwave filters

Design of microwave filters (Vol 1)


General applications of filter structure in microwave engineering


Properties of some common microwave filter elements



BAE 608 Professional Engineer Competency Demonstration Report


BAE421 Building Construction Engineering

l  Basic skills

l  Isomatric drawing

l  Retaining walls & Post footings

l  Stair

l  Doors & Windows

l  Trusses

l  Buildings

l  Collar truss

l  Howe truss

l  Timber

l  Steel

l  Brick masonry

l  Timber

l  Brick-nogging

l  Steel

l  Reinforced concrete

l  Floor plans

l  Foundation plan

l  Cross section

l  Front elevation

l  Back elevation

l  Left side elevation

l  Right elevation

l  Culverts

l  Bridges

l  Buildings

l  Pipe culvert

l  Box culvert

l  Slab culvert

l  Deck and girder bridge

l  Half top plan of culvert

l  Half bottom plan of culvert

l  Cross section of culvert

l  Longitudinal section of culvert

l  Elevation of culvert

l  Mix Design

l  Permissible water cement ratio



BAE422 Estimating ( 2 pt)

l  Preliminary estimates

l  Detailed estimating





l  Analysis of rates

l  Detailed Estimating

l  Buildings

l  Up to plinth level

l  Above plinth level

l  Culverts

l  Bridges

l  Roads

l  Earthworks

l  Analysis of Rates

l  Total workdone

l  Material and labour requirements

l  Estimated cost

l  Actual PAE or CCE or RFT

l  Complete items

l  Quantity

l  Measurements

l  Content calculation

l  Rates

l  Buildings

l  Above plinth level

l  Culverts

l  Analysis of rates


BAE423 Fluid Mechanics ( 2 pt)

l  Methods of Application of water

l  Water Logging, Drainage, land reclamation and irrigation management

l  Theoretical Concepts of Boundary Layer,      Surface Roughness, Velocity Distribution

l  Gradually varied flow

l  Scale Model in Hydraulic Engineering

l  Surface irrigation methods

l  Subsurface irrigation methods

l  Sprinkler irrigation

l  Drip or trickle irrigation

l  Flooding Methods

l  Wild or uncontrolled Flooding

l  Controlled Flooding

l  Flooding from field channels

l  Border strip methods

l  Check method

l  Basin method

l  Zig-zag method

l  Furrow Method

l  Contour Farming


BAE424 Reinforced Concrete ( 2 pt)

l  Design of Concrete Structures


l  Source of bond strength

l  Bond Stress Based on Simple  Cracked Section Analysis

l  Actual Distribution of Flexural Bond Stress

l  Development Length

l  Factors influencing Development Length



l  Development Length and Modification Factors for Hooked Bars


l  Special Requirements near the Point of Zero Moment

l  Structural Integrity Provisions


BAE425+525  Timber Engineering ( 2 pt )

l  Bending Stress and Deflection of Wood Joists


l  Shearing Stress Caused by Stationary Concentrated Load


l  Shearing Stress Caused by Moving Concentrated Load


l  Strength of Deep Wooden Beams


l  Design of a Wood-Plywood Beam


l  Determining the Capacity of a Solid Column


l  Design of a Solid Wooden Column


l  Investigation of a Spaced Column


l  Compression on an Oblique Plane


l  Design of a Notched Joint


l  Allowable Lateral Load on Nails


l  Capacity of Lag Screws


l  Design of a Bolted splice


l  Investigation of a Timber-Connector Joint

BAE521 Road & Bridge ( 2 pt )

l  Hydraulic Design of Bridge

l  The establishment of afflux levels

l  Back water levels

l  Long Contraction

l  Yarnell’s empirical equation

l  The limiting values of σ

l  Skewed bridges

l  Discharge computation

l  Scour depth under the bridge

l  Scour around bridge piers

l  Scour protection works around bridge piers

l  Road bridge






BAE522 Rock Mechanics ( 2 pt )


BAE523 Soil Mechanics ( 2 pt )

l  Soil

l  Soil Mechanics

l  Geotechnical Engineering

l  Subsoil Exploration

l  Testing ( In-situ Tests & Laboratory Tests)

l   SPT, CPT, Vane Shear Test

l   Moisture content

l   Index Properties Tests (LL, PL, SL)

l   Grain Size Distribution Test ( Sieve Analysis & Hydrometer)

l   Specific Gravity

l   Shear Strength Tests ( Tri-axial Compression:, Direct Shear, Unconfined  Compression:)

l   Compaction test, CBR Test

l   Consolidation Test, Permeability Test

BAE 523A Environmental Engineering

         Distribution of water

         Requirement for good distribution system


         Gravity System

         Combined gravity and pumping system

         Pumping system








         Mac Donald’s equation


         Hydrograph method

         Mass curve method


         Darcy Weisbach formula

         Hazen William formula

         Manning’s formula

         Combined Darcy Weisbach and Colebrook White formula


         Dead end system or Tree system

         Grid iron system or Reticular system

         Circular system or ring system

         Radial system


         Equivalent pipe method

         Hardy cross method


BAE621 Structural Engineering ( 3 pt )



l  Major problems with soil settlement analysis

l  Settlement classification

l  Immediate settlement & consolidation settlement

l  Stresses in soil mass

l  Approximate method (2:1 slope)

l  Boussinesq’s method

l   Westergaard’s method


BAE623 Surveying & Traffic Engineering ( 2 pt)

l  Airport Runway Orientation

l  Wind Rose Diagram

l  Highway Pavement Performance

l  Traffic

l  Roadbed Soils (Sub grade Material)

l  Materials of Construction

l  Environment

l  Drainage

l  Reliability

l  Transportation Engineering

l  Transportation Planning

l  Urban Transportation Planning

l  Urban Transportation Planning Process

l  Coding and Zoning

l  Inventory Studies

l  Travel Studies

l  Forecasts for the Horizontal Year

l  Trip General Analysis

l  Trip Distribution Analysis

l  Modal Split Analysis

l  Network Assignment Analysis

l  Evaluation


BAE624 Water Supply , Sanitation & Finishing ( 2 pt )

l  Water Quality

l  Dissolved Oxygen

l  BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)

l  COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand)

l  Water Sampling

l  Requirements for good  Sampling Procedure

BAE622 Architecture ( 3 pt )

Refer any architecture text book , study & prepare the report on practical application problem given by the tutor.

BAE511 Air-conditioning & Refrigeration

l  Heat transfer by Conduction

l  Convection

l  Radition

l  Thermal Conductivity, k

l  Boundary and Initial Conditions

l  Properties  and  state

l  The System

l  Internal energy (U)

l  Enthalpy (H)

l  Work (W)

l  Heat (Q)

l  Specific Head Capacity (c)

l  Heat Engine

l  The characteristic equation of a perfect gas

l  Expansion processes

l  Adiabatic process

l  Isothermal Process

BAE613 Mechanical Instrumentation Process

l  Problem-solving Methodology

l  Matlab Environment

l  Initializing Variables

l  Data Format

l  Printing Matrices

l  Useful Commands and Functions

l  Fundamental Engineering Computations

l  Two-Dimensional Arrays and Matrices

l  Variational Method

l  Collational Method

l  Subdomain Method

l  Galerkin’s Method

l  Least Square Method

BAE614 Machine Design



          Cam Profile

          Resultant Effects of Engine

          Arrangement to balance the primary moment (C.W)

          V-Engine Mechanism


          Inertia Forces and D’Alembert’s Principle

BAE512 Building Service Water Supply System

         Pressure loss in duct

         Pressure loss in duct by loss coefficient method

         Pressure loss in duct by  Equivalent Length Method

         To find the duct size by Equal Friction Method

         To find the duct size by Balance Capacity Method

         Design the duct system


BAE311 Plant Engineering (2 pt)

          Three Degree of freedom
(a)   Newton’s method
(b)  Mechanical Impedance method
(c)  Influence coefficients
(d)  Matrix method
(e)  Holzer method
(f)   Matrix Iteration method













BAE312 Design Engineering (2 pt)


This unit is the same as


BAE621 Structural Engineering ( 3 pt )



BAE313 Environmental Control (2 pt)


This unit is the same as


BAE 523A Environmental Engineering



BAE314 Mechanical Power Generation (2 pt)


          PLC Basics

          PLC Structure

          PLC in Comparison with Other Control Systems

          PLC’s CPU

          PLC’s Memory

          PLC in Comparison with Other Control Systems

          PLC’s CPU

          PLC’s Memory

          Programming Devices

          Programming Languages

          Instruction Set

          Typical Combinations of Languages

          Basic Symbols

          Elementary Logic Circuit

          PLC’s Functions

          Industrial Programming

          PLC PRACTICE

          Selection of PLC

          Types of I/O & Capacity Needed


          Control System Basic

          Sequence Control

          Automatic Control

          Terms of Sequence Control

          Basic Knowledge on Contacts





BAE315 Materials Engineering (2 pt)

          Load,  Stress and  Strain, Hook’s law ,

          Principal of Superposition 

          Tensile Test , Factor of Safety

          Strain Energy,   Resilience

          Impact Loads

          Varying Cross-section and Loads

          Strain Energy , Resilience

          Compound Bars

          Temperature Stresses

Elective (2 pt)



BAE513 Production Technology

BAE611 Maintenance Engineering

BAE612 Engineering Metallurgy

Refer any text book , study & prepare the report on practical application problem given by the tutor.











Bachelor of Applied Science (Information Technology)

Year 1+2  Refer Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Information Technology Detailed Contents

Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Science & Computer Technology)

Year (3)






ICT 301

General Electrical Knowledge



ICT 302

Digital Electronics



ICT 303




ICT 304

Material Science








Mathematics 1




Mathematics 2




Basic Control








Analog & Digital Electronics
















Year (4)






ICT 401

Advanced Mathematics 1



ICT 402

Advanced Mathematics 2




Telecommunication System




Project Management



ICT 305

Professional Programming (1) C++



ICT 403

Professional Programming (2) Object Oriented



ICT 404

Professional Programming (3) Java



ICT 405

Professional Practice (1) Network



ICT 406

Professional Practice (2) Website



ICT 407

Artificial Intelligence
















Refer Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering Detailed Contents





ICT 305 Professional Programming (1) C++

ICT 403 Professional Programming (2) Object Oriented


ICT 404 Professional Programming (3) Java



ICT 405 Professional Practice (1) Network

This competency standard unit covers develop services for network clients for emails, internet access, shared resources and the like. It encompasses safe working practices, installing and configuring Domain Name Server (DNS), email servers, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), remote access servers, Network Address Translation (NAT), directory services, Authentication Servers and documenting development activities.

Essential knowledge and associated skills

This describes the essential skills and knowledge and their level, required for this unit.

Evidence shall show that knowledge has been acquired of safe working practices and developing network services.

The extent of the essential knowledge and skills required is given Volume 2 Part 2, Clauses

·           Network infrastructure

Evidence shall show an understanding of network infrastructure to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a.         Domain Name Service (DNS) encompassing

·           DNS Server Service

·           Root name server

·           Configuring zones

a.         Note: Examples include configuring for dynamic updates and delegating zone for DNS

·           Caching – only server

·           DNS client

·           Testing DNS Server service

·           Manually creating DNS source

·           Managing and monitoring DNS

b.        Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

·           Installation of DHCP Server Service

·           DHCP scopes, superscopes and multicast scopes

·           DHCP – DNS integration

·           Active DirectoryTM

·           Managing and monitoring DHCP

c.         Network Infrastructure encompassing

·           Configuring and troubleshooting remote access

a.         Note: Examples include remote access policy, configuration of remote access profile, Virtual Private Network (VPN), multi link connection, routing and remote access for DHCP

·           Managing and monitoring remote access

·           Remote access security

·           Note. Examples include authentication protocols, encryption protocols and access policy

d.        Network Protocols encompassing

·           Installation, configuration and troubleshooting of network protocols

a.         Note: Examples include Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), NWLink and network bindings

·           Configure TCP/IP packets

·           Configuring and troubleshooting network protocol security and IP Security (IPSec

·           Managing and monitoring network traffic

e.        Internet Naming Services in a network encompassing

·           Installation, configuring and troubleshooting

·           Configuring Internet Naming Services replication

·           Configuring an application networking interface

·           Managing and monitoring Internet Naming Services

f.          IP Routing encompassing

·           Installation, configuring and troubleshooting of IP routing protocols

a.         Note: This includes updating routing tables, and implementing demand-dial routing

·           Managing and monitoring IP routing

a.         Note: This includes border routing, internal routing and IP routing protocols

g.         Network Address Translation (NAT) encompassing

·           Installing Internet connection sharing

·           Installing NAT

·           Configure NAT properties and interfaces

h.        Certificate Services encompassing

·           Installing and configuring Certificate Authority

·           Issuing and revoking certificates

·           Removing the Encrypted File System recovery keys


·           Directory services

Evidence shall show an understanding of directory services to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a.         Installing and configuring directory services encompassing

·           Installing forests, trees and domains including automatic domain controller

·           Creating sites, subnets, site links and connection objects

·           Configuring server objects including site membership and global catalogue designation

·           Transferring of operations master roles

·           Verification and troubleshooting of directory services installation

·           Implementation of and organisational unit structure

b.        Domain Name Service (DNS) for directory services encompassing

·           Installation and configuration of DNS for directory services

a.         Note: Examples are integration with existing DNS infrastructure, configuration of zones for dynamic and secure dynamic updates and creation and configuration of DNS records

·           Management, monitoring and troubleshooting of DNS

c.         Change and Configuration Management encompassing

·           Implementing and troubleshooting Group Policy

a.         Note: Examples are Group Policy Object (GPO), linking to an existing GPO, delegation of administrative control of Group Policy, filtering of Group Policy settings by using security groups and modification of Group Policy prioritisation

·           Managing and troubleshooting user environments using Group Policy

·           Configuring directory services to support Remote Installation Services (RIS) including configuration of RIS options and security.

d.        Components of a directory service infrastructure encompassing

·           Management of directory objects

a.         Note: Examples are moving objects, publishing resources in the directory service infrastructure, location of objects in the directory service infrastructure, creation and management of objects manually and by scripting, access control of objects and delegation of administrative control

·           Monitoring, optimisation and troubleshooting of the directory services infrastructure performance and replication

·           Backup and restoring directory services infrastructure

a.         Note: Examples are authoritative and non authoritative restoration of directory services, restoration from systems failure and the seizing of operations master roles

e.        Security encompassing

·           Applying security policies using Group Policy

·           Creating, analysing and security modification by using Security Configuration and Analysis snap-in and the Security Templates snap-in

·           Implementation of an audit policy

f.          Monitoring and analysing security events


Multi-layer switched networks


Evidence shall show an understanding of multi-layer switched networks to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a) Campus network design encompassing:

o core layer

o distribution layer

o access layer

o selection of appropriate devices

o defining workgroups


b) Managing Redundant Links encompassing:

o Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)

o Controlling STP in redundant environments

o STP in Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) environments

o Configuring redundant routing protocols for a fault-tolerant routing


Note. An example is Hot Standby routing protocol (HSRP)

c) Fast layer 2 services encompassing:

o Fast Ethernet

o Trunking

o Fast Ether channels

o Gigabit services


d) Inter VLAN Routing encompassing:

o Hardware vs. Software switching

o Overview of fast switching technologies

o Elements of a multi-layer switch

o Configuring multi-layer switches


e) Multicast encompassing:

o Multi-cast group management

o Configuring multi-cast control at layer 2

o Configuring multi-cast control at layer 3


f) Controlling Access to the Campus Network

g) Managing Network Traffic


ICT 406 Professional Practice (2) Website

This unit covers installation, set up, implementation and provision of on-going support of web services. It encompasses working safely, installing and administering server software and databases, server side scripting, configuring access and security and documenting work activities.


Development, implementation and testing HTML pages with at least four of the following features:



Relative and absolute links, images and table formatting

Cascaded styles sheets


New browser windows

Validation of form data


Development, implementation and testing of server scripting for database access with at least four of the following features:


Form data input response

Form data processing

Database access

Output of database table contents

Insertion of table data to database



Installation and administration of key features of Web and Web application servers




Programming elements


Evidence shall show an understanding of the programming elements to an extent indicated by the following aspects:


a) Algorithm Design encompassing:

o Problem Definition

o Steps in Problem-Solving

o Modular Design

o Top-Down Design

o Flow-Charts and Structured Programming

o Pseudo-Code

o Filtering allowable Data Input

o Using standard Input & Output methods

o Object-Oriented Design (brief intro.)

o Documentation Rationale

o Acceptable Documentation Method


b) Machine-Code, Assemblers and Compilers

c) Brief History of Languages & Limitations

d) Parameters of different programming languages encompassing:

o Constants and variables

o Data types and declarations

o Logical flow control

o Detecting breaches of structure

o Documentation instruction examples

o Procedures and function calls

o Parameter-passing

o Local and global variables

o Object-oriented methods

o Classes and objects,

o encapsulation and inheritance.

o Visual programming methods

o General-purpose program libraries



e) Data structures encompassing:

o Records

o Arrays

o File Input/output


f) Testing and validation encompassing:

o Sequencing the process

o Inconsistencies detection


Note, An examples is comparing code to documentation, commonly called ―Desk-Checking'.

o Test data selection

o Modular testing & debug

o Problems with using






Client side programming


Evidence shall show an understanding of client side programming them to an extent indicated by the following aspects:


a) Client server architecture

b) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) encompassing:

o Forms

o Table

o Cascading style sheets


c) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) scripting encompassing:

o Exposed object model

o Events and event handling

o Objects methods, properties, events

o Window, document, form, and form elements

o String object, methods, properties

o Form field validation


Note: Examples of scripting language are JavaScript and Visual Basic (VB) Script

d) Extendable Markup Language (XML) encompassing:

o Syntax

o Structure (well formed XML)

o Schemas

o Transformations

o Parsing Document Object Model (DOM) and Simple API (SAX)

o Scripting to Document Object Model (DOM)


e) Extendible Stylesheet Language (XSL) generating HTML from XML

f) Wireless thin client programming

Note. Examples include Java2 Micro Edition (JEME), Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), Windows CE and Palm OS

g) Consideration for system architecture

h) Configurations and profile overview





Server scripting

Evidence shall show an understanding of server scripting the to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a) Client server architecture

b) Web and Application Servers

c) Server scripting languages e.g. JSP, ASP, PHP, Perl

d) Server script Tags

e) Integrating script with HTML

f) Server script object model

g) Request, Response, Session, Application

h) Using server objects

i) Server components

j) Using components in server scripts

k) Scope of server components e.g. session, page, application

l) Component get / set methods

m) Deploying server components

n) Advanced server scripting concepts


Database access


Evidence shall show an understanding of database access to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a) Relational Databases encompassing:

o Tables, keys, design rules and normalisation

o Database management utilities


Note. Example include MSSQL, MYSQL and Access

b) Structural query language (SQL) queries encompassing:

o Select, insert, update and delete processes

o Application of conditionals ‗where‘, ‗distinct‘ and ‗like‘

o Create and dropping tables


c) Data Base connectivity components encompassing:

o Drivers, data sources

o Database connectivity component loading

o Query connection and execution

o ResultSets / RecordSets

o Rows, columns, cursors, concurrency, pooling

o Iterating through ResultSets / RecordSets


Note. Example include ODBC, JDBC, ADO




Web applications and services

Evidence shall show an understanding of web servers to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a) Comparison of HTTP servers and platforms

Note. Examples include IIS and Apache

b) Comparison of Application servers and platforms

Note. Examples include J2EE / tomcat, .NET

c) HTTP Servers encompassing:

o Installation requirements and methods

o Security configuration

o Content publishing and security


d) WEB application technologies encompassing:

o Server installation and deployment

o Security


e) Server scripting technologies encompassing:

o WEB application installation and deployment

o Application server administration


f) Web services overview encompassing:

o WEB services XML, API, RPC

o XML API processing


o SOAP (simple object access protocol)

o WEB Services Security




ICT 407 Artificial Intelligence

Bachelor of Business

Year 1Refer Diploma in Management Detailed Contents

Year 2  Refer Diploma & Advanced Diploma in Information Technology Detailed Contents

YEAR (3)

Bachelor of Business (E-Business & Management)

The learning system will be based on self study. Read the given references study materials and prepare the project work. You need to read the books in English.



The following units common to MBA course are to be studied.


Mgt 301     Electronics Business


Mgt 302     Information Security


Mgt 303     Management Information System


Mgt 304     Electronics Commerce


Mgt 305     Quantitative Methods for Management


Mgt 306     Human Resources Management


Mgt 307     Marketing Management


Mgt 308     Artificial Intelligence


To assess Level 3,  you need to write the report of  10 pages each on what you have learnt in the unit.


YEAR (4)

Mgt 401    Management Project

Mgt 402    Electronics Business Project





Mgt 301     Electronics Business


l  Project Objective

l  Business Capabilities

l  Benefits

l  Deliverables & Dependencies

l  Costs

l  Financial Appraisal

l  Timescales & Milestones

l  Success Criteria

l  Risks

l  the impacts of electronic commerce

l  drivers and inhibitors of electronic commerce from the perspective of the CEOs

l  the impacts of Electronic Commerce on the Industry Supply Chain

l  Electronic Commerce Maturity Model



Mgt 302     Information Security



Fundamentals of network security

Evidence shall show an understanding of fundamentals of network security to an extent indicated by the following aspects:

a) Network Security fundamentals

b) Securing Perimeter Routers

c) Access Control Lists (ACLs)

d) Router Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (AAA) Security

e) Intrusion Detection

f) Internet Protocol (IP) Security

g) Virtual Private Network (VPN)

h) Firewalls

i) Translations and Connections

j) Access Control Lists for Firewalls

k) AAA and Firewalls

l) Intrusion

m) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

n) Firewall Failover and System Maintenance

o) Firewall VPN‘s

p) Firewall Device Management


q  Introduction of Computer Networks and Internet :

v  Overview of the Internet, client/server program, circuit switching, packet switching, physical media, queuing delay and packet loss, TCP/IP Service models, Internet Protocol Stack (Layers)

q  Application Layer :

v  Service requirements, WWW, HTTP, FTP, Electronic Mail, Domain Name System, Socket programming


q  Transport Layer

v  Service models, Multiplexing/Demultiplexing, Connection-less transport (UDP), Principles of reliable data transfer, Connection-oriented transport (TCP), TCP congestion control

q  Network Layer :

v  Routing and forwarding, IP(The Internet Protocol ) IPv4, IPv6 ,Routing algorithms, Routing in the Internet, Multicast

q  Link Layer and Local Area Networks :

v  Link layer services, Error detection and correction, Multiple Access Protocols, Link layer addressing, Ethernet, Hubs and switches, Point-to-Point Protocol

q  understand principles of network security:

v  cryptography and its many uses beyond “confidentiality”

v  authentication

v  message integrity

v  key distribution

v  security in practice:

v  firewalls

v  security in application, transport, network, link layers

v  key distribution

v  security in practice:

v  firewalls

v  security in application, transport, network, link layers




Mgt 303     Management Information System (MIS)




Mgt 304     Electronics Commerce



Mgt 305     Quantitative Methods for Management









Mgt 306     Human Resources Management




Mgt 307     Marketing Management


-          Company (Distributor) background (e.g. brief history, nature of business, etc.)

-          Marketing objective(s) on the Chosen product/service

-          S.W.O.T Analysis

-          Target customers

-          Product Positioning in the market

-          Describe the current marketing mix:

-          Product

-          Pricing

-          Distribution

-          Marketing Communications (Promotion)

-          overall competitive strategy

-          planning the details of the marketing mix.

-          sales & marketing materials

-          understanding of company’s competitors

-          Marketing Recommendations for improvement

-          marketing strategies


Mgt 308     Artificial Intelligence


This is the same as

ICT 407

Artificial Intelligence





Mgt 401    Management Project

Mgt 402    Electronics Business Project

Two reports one for Management for (Mgt 303+Mgt 305+Mgt 306) & another for Electronics Business + Marketing  (Mgt 301+Mgt 302+Mgt 304+Mgt 307+Mgt 308) subjects are required to be presented.


Each should contain 4000 to 6000 words of how you pursue the study in Management,, Marketing, Electronics Business subjects should be described.


The project should contain management plans, business plan & performance, task, job procedures IT integration etc of the topics of your choices.